Are you skiing, or just want to take pictures in the snow? It`s very important to purchase snow/ski pants so your butt stays dry and warm at all times. Long underwear is a good idea too. Go to sport`s chalet or sporting goods stores to purchase ski socks so your feet stay warm without the socks being too thick. Also, DO NOT FORGET GLOVES!!! Don`t be cheap on your gloves, if your gloves get wet, you will be very unhappy all day. If you are really going to ski, you need goggles too. Don`t wear regular sunglasses, especially if you don`t want to lose them or break them.
Package probably doesn`t cover hotel stay... you will have to find out. Some hotels do offer special packages that includes lift tickets and ski rentals, etc. You should look into it. Lift ticket is for the lift which needs to be purchased daily. You can buy half day, full day or multiple days. Lift is the thing that takes you up the mountain (中文是不是叫纜車). Please take some lessons befor you get on the lift because it is easy to get on the lift, but for a beginner it is very difficult to get off the lift. Please expect to fall... A LOT. Again, if your finanace allows, PLEASE take some lessons, it will make a huge difference. Don`t bother worry about looking cute because with your face covered up, no one would even know what you look like. I am posting some pictures of&nb