不要讓真的間諜, 笑你文化差.
民進黨比國民黨, 還重視華僑. 三十年的經驗
華僑是什麼? 華僑了不起英文好阿? 需要特別強調?
倒是不多見. 可憐ㄚ,英文不入流,美國人把妳當二等公民看,倒跑回來裝自己是高級華僑,結果中文也爛,這不是pathetic是什麼?
If you don`t know how to say english appropriately, better hide it up than crap out of it.
Maybe you de one to brush up your English first, cuz yours is not robust enuff to be a secondary in the US.
Either way, you are nothing in there and here.
And tell you what, a jerk is better than nothing.