他的fashion style也讓我很感冒 she is rich enough to buy anything she wants but she has no taste at all 穿著像睡衣的衣服出門,之前害我還以為LA的女生都是這樣穿的... 價值昂貴的禮服在他身上完全襯托不出氣質 "最差衣著人士" 他每年必入榜 但是日本女生還把他捧成style icon... 我日本朋友超喜歡他 整天聽他說都聽煩了
記得以前看過他的一篇interview 他說" I know i can buy whatever i want, i don`t need to go to school and don`t need to work, but i just wanna make my own name."