
FG上的水水好,我們有篇科技英文,而有些地方我有些問題,我知道這裡的很多水水英文都很好,可以快點幫個忙嗎? 急,謝謝!!!
The article is about technology" wired world leaves millions out of the loop". and there are some sentances i don`t understand.

But the funding of programs like the ITU`s is dwarfed by the problem. And bridging the digital divide is not just costly. Catching up with the computer, internet and telecommunications revolutions requires layers of infrastructure, financing institutions and equipment, and a culture of know-how.
  • 因為沒看上下文, 可能會有誤差..所以我只能試著翻出大意



    --具有完善系統架構, 足夠的資金和設備外, 還需要know-how的企業文化才能趕上電腦,網路和通訊ㄉ革命潮
