Reasons to use a Mac:
0. Tightly integrated software and hardware that you don't need to waste days in drivers and compatibility issues- those issue hardly exist on the Macs.
1. UNIX based OS that runs thousands of open source applications that most of them don't work on windows.
2. Multimedia applications.
3. Though Macs are more expensive, they also comes with many integrated features that you need to pay extra $$ to add with the Intel PCs. For example, firewire, Giga bit ethernet, dual monitor support, etc.
4. Macs are better for the eyes and my hands.
I only got my first Mac two years ago and still have over 10 PCs that I convert to Debian. PCs cost me too much time to maintain- not really worth it for the time wated.
Anyway besides my desktops, I have laptops running OS X, win 2K, win XP, Debian.
my preferences are
1. 5 stars- OS X
2. 4 stars- Debian
3. 3 stars- win 2k
3. 2.5 star win XP