i wish i can revcover as well. but the doctor said that i need to do a face-lift.i must be crazy i am still young and i listen what they told me that i am so REGRET now.
i can`t take my own photos because i look like a ghost. i am not old. my eye can`t move freely. my forehead is sticky. i can` lift my face muscle easily.
my head feel like a heavy hamlet on it and no feeling at all. 換言之,我的額頭及頭皮失去知覺,上眼皮無法自由活動,眼睛老是睜的很大,無法輕鬆闔眼,手術至今難以道盡心酸及失望!
i can`t eat either sleep. i lost 3kgs per week. what should i do next, other doctor told me that i need time and other surgery to mend the mistake of the prior surgery.
a wrong decision can distroy a person. now i know what is it really meaning.