<blockquote style="border-left: #999 2px solid; margin: 1em 3em; padding-left: 1em; color: #999">為什麼沒有竽頭&nbsp;之話:&nbsp;<br />
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1. 那隻狗死了<br />
2. Pitbull以兇猛出名,可以咬下你手臂一大塊肉,有過咬死小孩,重創大人的紀錄,常用來鬥狗<br />
3. 那隻狗在現場有攻擊其他路人<br />
4. 那裡是曼哈頓市區,要是有隻瘋狗亂跑,可能會造成多人受傷 <br />
5. 癲癇是種病症,至於是什麼引發的,則需要醫生診察,請不要給人錯誤訊息<br />
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要是我我也會開槍</blockquote>引用這篇原文報導<br />
<a href="http://www.examiner.com/article/manhattan-pit-bull-shot-by-nypd-allegedly-still-alive-but-serious-condition" target="_blank">http://www.examiner.com/article/manhattan-pit-bull-shot-by-nypd-allegedly-still-alive-but-serious-condition</a><br />
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其中這段質疑員警的作法:<br />
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&quot;It does matter whose fault it is. Besides shooting a gun in the middle of a busy street where a child could have been hurt, aren't we supposed to be more civilized? I wonder if the report that three cops tried to rouse the man by kicking him is true or not because of the stigma of homeless people and how little respect these people get because of their sad situations? If someone was kicking the man, didn't the dog have a right to defend his master? Why didn't the officer take precautions when he saw the dog in the beginning? Did he mace first or after he shot the dog? Why didn't he call Animal Control when he first approached the scene and saw a man in distress with a dog near him? This is very distressing and needs to be addressed.&quot;<br />
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大意是:<br />
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不管如何,在大街上開槍萬一流彈傷及無辜尤其是小孩呢?<br />
我們難道不能更文明一點嗎?<br />
如果報導屬實,警察是用腳踢流浪漢,難道不能給這些人一點尊重嗎?<br />
當警察「踢」一個流浪漢的時候,難道他的狗沒有權利護衛主人?<br />
一開始看到狗在現場時,警察為什麼沒有採取預防措施請求動物保護人員協助?<br />
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