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志工 / 搭設野戰獸醫院替孤兒狗義診,急募志工50名志工整理環境


By now, you probably have heard about Mr. Zhang and his shelter. Mr. Zhang passed away suddenly last week and left behind 150 doggies at his shelter that need care until they can be adopted or we can find a new home for these orphans. Mr. Zhang lived on scavenging junks and NT$3000 (USD$100) social security income, as you can image, it`s tough enough for him just to buy food for daily survival, his living conditions was uninhabitable before he passed away.

  • 台中市世界聯合保護動物協會與張耀鏜的淵源,最早建立於兩年前(2008年)。因為張老先生的居住環境極差,僅靠著老年津貼與餿水拾荒過活的他,沒有能力將所有犬隻絕育,加上又有惡意民眾至此棄養犬隻,導致在短短一年半的時間,


    TUAPA first contacted Mr. Zhange about 2 years ago. We were told that his living condition was pretty bad and since he had no money to spay/neuter the stray dogs he adopted, plus the unwanted dogs dumped by owners in front of his home, within 18 months, the number of dogs he had were over 100. So, 2 years ago, the TUAPA TNR team came to his `private` shelter and performed the spay/neuter procedures on the 128 dogs he had.

  • 東海伯往生後,留下150孤苦無依的流浪狗,有些皮膚病嚴重全身無毛、有些身上佈滿蟲蝨、有些得菜花性病、有些有血液寄生蟲。台中市世界聯合保護動物協會預計在11月21日(日)動員下鄉絕育活動獸醫師並募徵50名志工,在廢棄滑草場旁搭設「野戰獸醫院」,克服沒水沒電的惡劣環境,替150隻孤兒狗義診、施行絕育手術並整理雜亂骯髒的環境,做大規模的環境清掃。

    The doggies at his shelter have not had necessary medical care. The second day after he passed away, 2 dogs at his shelter also passed on to the bridge. So, other than providing assistance to clean the shelter and feed the doggies, more needs to be done. TUAPA is planning to set up a field hospital on 11/21 and a team of 30 volunteer vets will examine the 150 doggies at the shelter and provide medical care. At the same time, we need 50 volunteers to help us. If you have the time on 11/21, would like to know more details in English, please contact Karol, karollov88@gmail.com.

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