不知道你是拿opt or H1.如果是H1的話其實並不是那麼好在美國找工作.Most compnay doesn`t like to sponsor working visa.你的下一個機會不知道在哪!而你現有的機會,不論是對你以後回台灣工作或轉換公司是絕對加分.
1600/mo(如果只是自己花)一樣可以在紐約生活,但必須住Queens, Bklyn...等地方.從房租方面節省是最快的.Queens and Bklyn也有很多好區喔1而在這些地區,吃的開銷也會一起省很多.相信你每個weekend還可以去Mahanttan享受美食.但要存錢幾乎是Mission impossible!
please stop scarring 瑪妮. Her pay may not be good but it isn`t that terrible. let`s see below breadkdown,
rent + utilities $580.00 (you can find a decent room with private bath in rego park, queens) cable+internet $100.00 food $50x4=$200.00 (if prepare by own) transportation $76.00 (monthly pass)