1. please go to the first window 2. keep away from sun / keep out of sun 3. in the second floor of basement 4. your these medicines all help you the pulverizing, wraps securely in the medical pouch, please take a package for each time 5. after operates the pot, put in to the refrigerator
2004-07-04 17:51:55
1.請至一號窗口 -> Go to window NO.1, please. 2.不能晒太陽 -> Stay away from sun/ sunshine. 3.再地下室二樓 -> At the subbasement. 4.你的這些藥都幫妳磨粉,包好在藥包中,一次請服用一包 -> We grained your medicine into powder in these packs, and take on pack per meal. 5.開罐後放冰箱 -> Store it in refrigerator after opened.
2004-07-04 18:03:11
1.請問需要加1元買購物袋嗎? Would you like to buy this shopping bag with extra $1? 2.請問需要DM參考看看嗎? Would you like to see the catalog? 3.請問需要購物籃嗎? would you need the shooping basket? 4.這是我們消費額滿的贈品 Since your payment above $XXX, here are your free gifts. 5.(不好意思先幫您結帳->沒聽過人家這麼問),這樣一共是XXX元 Is that everything ok for you? The total is $XXX.