金.. 這不被人體吸收的金屬,皮膚就會吸收嗎...?
隨便一查,就找到 Wiki 大典說人體沒法吸收金,金箔被吃下去也只會被排泄出來。所以說,敷在臉上最後也只是被洗掉沖走囉? 感覺好奢侈.....
Wiki 大典有關於金:
至於上面有人說古代對金的看法.. 剛好 Wiki 大典也有提到,說是因為金很稀有所以認為對健康有用,雖然並不一定。
In medieval times, gold was often seen as beneficial for the health (even though it was not), in the belief that something that rare and beautiful could not be anything but healthy.
However, since metallic gold is inert to all body chemistry, it adds no taste nor has it any other nutritional effect and leaves the body unaltered.