政治 / 馬總統接受英國
總統馬英九13日在高雄縣旗山國中對英國獨立電視台(ITV)的記者 採訪對答全文:
Should Taiwan not have been more prepared for this weather of coming?
No, this area, this is the first time in many years.
That is why, they are, there were not fully prepared.
If they were, they should have been evacuated much earlier.
Just because they stay in where they live and, but you see,
they didn`t learn, theydidn`t realize how serious this disaster was.
讀到第一個 they 我就很不舒服了¡ 不像一國總統該說的話
何況用了7個 還有那個 but you see, 好像事不關己
Should Taiwan not have been more prepared for this weather of coming?
No, this area, this is the first time in many years.
That is why, they are, there were not fully prepared.
If they were, they should have been evacuated much earlier.
Just because they stay in where they live and, but you see,
they didn`t learn, theydidn`t realize how serious this disaster was.
讀到第一個 they 我就很不舒服了¡ 不像一國總統該說的話
何況用了7個 還有那個 but you see, 好像事不關己