這是幫朋友po的, 他上站不足3天沒辦法po. 看得出他寫得很認真, 請英文高手有空幫忙看看需要改那些地方! 謝謝嘍!
Wisdom of Eminent Domain
Buildings get decrepit, and when it happens, they do not fit into the modern cities anymore. It is best to redevelop those out-of-date buildings, and replace them with new good looking buildings that brighten the city. Therefore, the right of eminent domain should absolutely be given to government. However, recent report shows that the right of eminent domain has become overpowered and has offended some of the confiscated properties owners. Private properties owners claimed that the compensation is not fairly given, and they doubted that such redevelopment project is for the benefit of resident at all. Such example taught us that government must use the right of eminent with caution; which means that compensation should be fairly given, the designation of blight should be clearly defined.
Owners of the seized properties including Susette Kelo has been working for their entire life in exchange of their own houses. (Salzman & Manserus) All they wanted was to rest in peace for the rest of their lives in their own houses. Unfortunately, they are forced move out of their houses and watching it being knock down. Such agony is only compensated with the market price many years ago, which is impossible for those properties owners to purchase a house with the same condition as their old houses at present time. (Varno) The just compensation should be precisely evaluated based on the true recent market price.
Wisdom of Eminent Domain
Buildings get decrepit, and when it happens, they do not fit into the modern cities anymore. It is best to redevelop those out-of-date buildings, and replace them with new good looking buildings that brighten the city. Therefore, the right of eminent domain should absolutely be given to government. However, recent report shows that the right of eminent domain has become overpowered and has offended some of the confiscated properties owners. Private properties owners claimed that the compensation is not fairly given, and they doubted that such redevelopment project is for the benefit of resident at all. Such example taught us that government must use the right of eminent with caution; which means that compensation should be fairly given, the designation of blight should be clearly defined.
Owners of the seized properties including Susette Kelo has been working for their entire life in exchange of their own houses. (Salzman & Manserus) All they wanted was to rest in peace for the rest of their lives in their own houses. Unfortunately, they are forced move out of their houses and watching it being knock down. Such agony is only compensated with the market price many years ago, which is impossible for those properties owners to purchase a house with the same condition as their old houses at present time. (Varno) The just compensation should be precisely evaluated based on the true recent market price.