
錢還不出來, 銀行會請公司做c -11
  • 破產= bankrupt
  • bankrupt
  • 謝謝你喔!可是我想問一個c開頭的單子後接eleven的
    我不確定是不是破產的意思耶 >_<
  • c-11 跟 crush 一點關係也沒有!!!

    c 是指 chapter... c-11 stands for chapter 11
    是指銀行法之類規章第十一章節理提到file chapter 11 ㄉ辦法

    bankruptcy也是破產ㄉ意思....跟filing chapter eleven 同
  • maxx:

    那我我請問你銀行法之類規章第十一章節理提到file chapter 11 ㄉ辦法內容約略為何
  • 這是USA的聯邦法律不知是否與台灣相同..一般用於公司,當公司經營發生財務困難, 無法支付貨款或還債, 可選擇filing chapter 7 (liquidation) 或 filing chapter 11 (reorganization). chapter 7 意味公司不想經營, 選擇拍賣其所有資產抵債. 而 chapter 11 其公司仍想繼續經營, 藉由法院監督其公司組織重組, 法院更可透過公聽和仲裁減免其部分甚至全部負債, 往往公司重組後即變為新ㄉ公司..

    大概就醬囉....要知道ㄉ更詳細, 請看原文或自己去查查ㄌ

  • Chapter 11
    (Redirected from Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection)

    Chapter 11 is a part of the US bankruptcy code.

    When a troubled business decides that it is unable to service its debt or pay its creditors, it can file (or be forced by its creditors to file) with a federal bankruptcy court for bankruptcy protection under either Chapter 7 (liquidation) or Chapter 11 (reorganization). A Chapter 7 filing means that the business intends to sell all its assets, distribute the proceeds to its creditors, and then cease operations. A Chapter 11 filing, on the other hand, is an attempt to stay in business while a bankruptcy court supervises the "reorganization" of the company`s contractual and debt obligations. The court can cancel, in all or in part, some or all of the company`s debts and its contracts, so that the company can make a fresh start. Often, if the company`s debts exceed its assets, then at the completion of bankruptcy the company`s owners (stockholders) all end up with nothing -- all their rights and interests are terminated -- and the company`s creditors end up with ownership of the newly reorganized company, in the hopes that it will eventually succeed financially as compensation for their losses.

  • maxx:
