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To 美國留學生 (about I20) Urgent!!!!



我現在想知道的是要是我拿舊的I20回美國 美國海關會讓我進來嗎?

  • 你是申請到新的學校還是???
  • 路過的

    阿呀 你也是跟我一樣...

    美國現在已開始要所有的國際學生用這種新的I20 舊的不能用了!

    我的學校之前有和學生提起這件事 但我以為submitt相干的文件 到學期快要結束之前去領就好了

    不過我是今天才知道 我必須到學校的國際學生辦事處去request.

    I’ve heard that from now on, international students in the US are required to have the new I20s…

    Since I am leaving for London on the 13th and plan to return on the 25th, I need my new I20 now…

    But my school told me that it takes 3 weeks to process the new I20, and they are not sure if I will be able to enter the US with my old I20. On top of that, in order to process the new I20, the old one must be submitted to my school. So basically, I am leaving the US without my I20.

    I have asked my school to “rush” my request and if it’s finished on time, my friends will pick it up and send it to England, which is where I will be.

    The main problem is that if my new I20 can’t be processed in time, I am screwed! Then my friend will have to get my old I20 and send it to me…Therefore, that ultimately means that I have to try to enter the US with my old I20…

    So, my question is “does anyone know if the old I20s are still valid for international students, with F-1 Status, to enter the US territory.”
  • Y&R
    Hi, ^_^
    你講的是SEVIS嗎?幾個月前才聽一位朋友說,最好在6/1以前拿到,學校應該會通知你。And you will need a new SEVIS I20 for travel if you will return to the US after 5/1/2003.
  • 我有聽說ㄌ~~現在ㄉ移民局管international students管ㄉ狠嚴,所以現在目前要繼續留在USㄉ,務必要在7/31拿到新ㄉI-20~~~
  • ethyrj
    這種事情那麼緊急,與其東問西問,還不如自己拿起電話,打個電話去你學校的international office 問清楚,每個學校換I-20速度也不一樣阿
  • Y&R

    So basically, I won't be able to return with my old I20?...

    OMG, I am sooooo screwed...
  • ethyrj

    我已經問過我的學校了 但他們不確定是否一定要用新的I20才能入境美國...
  • 我三月就拿到了
  • Y&R
    That's what I heard from a friend of mine. You might want to double check w/someone else. Good Luck! Btw, why don't you ask a lawyer or INS?
  • Y&R

    I looked up on the Internet and found the official website of SEVIS...

    But after I put down my info and try to become a member (because u need to be a member to access all the info...), I did not receive a confirmation for a valid password...

    Anyways, I still get can't the info I need...

    Do u think asking a lawyer will hope? Will lawyers know this kind of stuff?

    I mean, my school has a graduate law school...law students are everywhere...but I doubt that they will know something this specific since they aren’t international students themselves...

    Well, I have been really stressed out recently…I have to pack, get all the study abroad work done, and then deal with this SEVIS shit!

    I only thought life would only be easier when school is over…but I guess that’s not true.
  • ah...

    OMG, u are my hero!!!!!!!!!

    Please find the link for me!

    When I looked online today, I found this:

    "The Patriot Act of October 2001, sets August 1, 2003 as the date by which schools must enter data into SEVIS about those students who were enrolled prior to February 15, 2003"

    But I was not sure if it's my school that has the deadline till 8-1-03 to submit the student data to SEVIS or...

    This is another link (pdf file)


    Take a look at page 5, under "Purpose of SEVIS", it says:

    "The mandatory compliance date for using SEVIS was January 30, 2003. All Forms I-20 issued by the school for initial attendance by a new student must be created in and issued from SEVIS.

    The school must also use SEVIS for the issuance of any Form I-20 that is updated and re-issued to a currently enrolled student.
    All currently enrolled students must be entered into SEVIS by August 1, 2003."
  • Y&R
    See......Life is getting better every second. Have a wonderful trip! Don't do anything I won't do;)

    PS. Yes, some immigration lawyers can help on F1 issue.
  • Y&R and Ah...

    Thank you very much!
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