yup..i live in sydney.. I went to the one in neutral bay..called planet.. 可是 減頭髮..要小心...因為老闆不太會英文...他有一點機車...你跟他說你要減怎樣怎樣他都說okok 可是減出來完全不一樣...他不管你要怎麼樣...他覺得會好看他就減怎樣...哈哈 (可是每次出來我都還滿喜歡的!!)
Hey! What a coincidence! I was thinking about going to Planet Hair too! I've never been but I know they do 縮毛矯正 with Japanese treatment chemicals. Can you recommend a hairdresser?! thanx! p.s how much did it cost for u to do 縮毛矯正?