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ummm...我在美國念High School...我會在2004年畢業...
但我現在在煩惱有關大學選系方面的問題...我目前比較有興趣的科系是Public Relation...但不知道好不好念以及未來找工作有沒有出路...
thanks a lot!
  • D&G girl
    D&G girl
    Go to USC.....
  • why USC
  • public relations? How about "international relations"? Since you speak Chinese and English already, I think "international relations" will be better for you. My school, "The George Washington University" has a good undergraduate international affairs program. Go to www.gwu.edu and take a look at it!
  • U of Maryland 在我學校附近說 um...U of Maryland是還不錯 Cross Fire都在我們學校錄影喔不過我們GWU的international relations真的很好喔 有點難啦 還有U of Maryland因為是州立大學所以不小 你要是是freshman的話很難爭取到你想要的課...
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