
因為我實在翻譯的零零落落 所以想請各位幫忙,我這是期末要考的,拜託囉!
When we turn to politics and the economic problems which face the world--and who doesn't turn to them today!the same considerations clearly hold.
Somehow or other,out of the complexities of the past and present, each person has to shape his own philosophy as best he can.
If you are willing to borrow somebody else's you are not of the stuff that makes a free and vigorous nation.
It is admittedly difficult--swimming against the stream of neady-made opinions and the masses of propaganda which descend from all sides--but this is one of the hard tasks of your generation.
  • Even during your college career you will find groups of propagandists ready to use you for their own purposes;you will find them to right and to left.
    I heard the other day a story of a student who was discussing with an older man a proposed demonstration of some sort or other.
    "I admit it doesn't make much sense, he said,"but that is what they tell us we should do."
    The value of joining any group of enthusiasts who presume to dictate what one should do is extremely dubious.
    Have the courage of your convictions but be sure they are your own convictions arrived at patiently by hard thinking.
    There are plenty of people who are willing and anxious to shout,to march and to wave flags and banners.
    I do not feel that this type needs reinforcement from the student body.
    What we do need are citizens who will examine seriously and discuss vigorously the many diffciult problems with which the times present us.
  • On all sides we hear it said that what the world needs is leaders:it does,as always,of the night sort.
    But it needs above all an independent froup of hard-headed,clear-thinking people who face the future courageously without taking refuge behind worn-out formulas and who can tell a statesman from a demagogue.
    The world does not need more followers, it has too many already.
    Don't acquire the habit young.
  • Haha!

    What a good article it is!

    你教授真是用心良苦啊! 好好體會一下吧! Young people!

    Be independetnt; nobody can help you, if you don't want to learn by yourself. You will learn something from it. Good luck!
  • To 燕,


  • 我知道大家的建議都是為了我好,但是我翻的實在太遜了,所以只好硬著頭皮問問看是否有人肯幫我,大家可別誤會,我並不是沒有下過功夫去翻譯,只是這對我來說實在不簡單,畢竟我的文法並不是很好!
  • 先把句子中的主詞,動詞or主句,副句分一分
    大致看了一下, 這篇文章的文法也亂複雜的,掉了不少標點, 副句多也句子長