Dear 喔!人生的話:
From what everyone said, I didn`t expect it would hurt so much!!><
Today is day 3, and I just had my bandage taping taken off by the doctor. It feels A LOT better without the bandage, because it was starting to feel very itchy =.=``
On the night of the surgery, I didn`t get much sleep. I woke up every 2-3 hours, and it was painful. I would lay in bed, thinking "HOW to do get up??" But I still have to get to to take medicine & painkillers. The anesthetics made me sick & painkillers made me vomit too ><
Day 2 of the surgery, the pain was a little bit better, getting out of bed was still a problem.
I don`t usually like watching TV, but the past 2 days, I did nothing but watch TV! The doctor & nurse called me to see how I was feeling...
Day 3 (today) I went to see the doctors. I am taking less painkillers because I don`t like to eat too much of that... I did a little bit of shopping for a wireless supportive bra~ because I need the support. I am a small D now I think, but that is still with the swelling. Doctor told me to wear the bra day and night for 14 days.
My right side has more swelling & brusing but the left one is less painful & little bruising. My doctor said the bruising will go away in 1-2 weeks.
I can`t wait till the swelling & bruising goes away!!