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LV / 有人看過米色底紅色花的櫻花包實品嗎

請問有人看到過米色底紅色花的櫻花包實品嗎 ? 不是相片哦.
上週末在朋友的婚禮上看到一個不認識的人提米色底紅色花的accessories pouch
沒有過去仔細看, 但一眼看上去感覺和相片上差蠻多的,米色很淺紅色也不太紅
Anyway, 有看過米色底紅色花的櫻花包實品的朋友可以形容一下嗎? 謝謝!
  • Visual258, I don't think anyone has seen it cuz it's not out, is it??
  • smallestfish,

    Then what I saw is pobably a fake one...well, then can you share some thoughts? Which one do you think looks better, the Cream/Red or the Pink/Pink Retro? It's so hard to decide.....
  • I definitely won't go for the Pink/Pink Retro because the sales told me it doesn't look as good as the Cream/Red and Brown/Pink ones. My mom ordered the Cream/Red Retro for me cuz too many of my handbags are in monogram canvas. The sales told my mom Cream/Red Retro is pretty...my mom and my aunt said Cream/Red is the pretties among all three.
  • Visual258.
    Thank you for your prompt reply. So your mom and aunt have seen the pictures or the real bags? Are they in Taiwan?
    Yeah, I kind of agree with you. I personally prefer the flowers to stand out more like they do on the Cream/Red and Brown/Pink. The pink/pink is very soft and romantic but it just doesn't stand out like the other 2 color combinations. I think I'll stick with the Cream/Red then.
    BTW, if you go to www.people.com and click on Today's Photos, there's picture where Sarah Jessica Parker is carrying the brown/pink Cherry Blossom Papillon, it's very pretty.
  • I saw the picture. It looks so good cuz the papillon really stands out!!!
  • By the way, have you found out whether LV will be selling the phone strap?? My mom asked the sales in Taiwan 2 weeks ago and the sales said it's not gonna be out!!
  • Visual258.
    I don't know if the phone strap will be available or not but I did put my name on the waiting list at 2 boutiques. When I did that they didn't mention there's possibility that it's not going to be produced. The only item I knew that may not be available is the "I miss you".
  • 今天剛從法國回來~我有看到這款的實品~
  • To Visual258,
    Someone is selling the Pink/Pink Retro, if you wanna check it out, go to

  • Visual258.
    To hiromix,
    謝謝你的意見.but米色底的花是紅色的不是粉的吧?我也覺得粉色底粉色花的挺不錯的. 不過我還是最喜歡咖啡底的.最classic. 只是因為已經買了好幾款咖啡底的櫻花,Retro就想選別色的,唉,還真難決定勒

    To smallestfish,
    我看到圖片了, 我覺得挺古錐的耶, 妳覺得勒?還是要Cream/Red的嗎? btw,妳有去看cherry blossom satin 的圖片嗎?

  • To Visual258,
    Well, the Pink/Pink Retro isn't as bad as I thought. It was actually pretty cute but I think it's too cute. I am making up my mind between Cream/Red and Brown/Pink. I really wanna get Cream/Red cuz it's a very special colour combination but my mom told me just yesterday that she thinks Brown/Pink looks better over time. I don't know, I asked my mom to tell the sales to reserve both colours for me so that my mom can tell me which is actually better when she sees the real things.

    I saw the Cherry blossom satin....it's too lady for me.
  • Visual258.

    If you are going to just get one bag from the cherry blossom series, then I'll recommend you go get the classic Brown/Pink. Your mom is absolutely right; it does look better and better over time. The reason that I'm getting a Cream/Red is only because I already got the Brown/Pink papillon (which btw is extremely lovely). The other two color combinations maybe rare or harder to get, but that doesn't necessarily mean that they look better, right? I wish you could get the one you like the best.

    BTW, do you like the muliticolor series? I think the mule is pretty lovely.
  • Visual258,
    The mule is the only thing I like in the multicolor series. I don't like the multicolor handbags although they look look in the pictures.
    I have decided to get the Brown/Pink retro....btw, is that papillon big??? what's the dimension??
  • Visual258.
    Alright! You’ve finally made up your mind; I think you made the wise decision! BTW, the papillon’s measurements are about 11.5" L x 5.5" D (diameter of the cylinder) and it’s very roomy inside. It’s just the right size, I mean I’m petite and it’s not too big for me and it’s lightweight, your arms won’t feel tired carrying it while shopping. Are you thinking about getting one, too? I really love it and you know I’ll say go for it. But you should ask your mom’s opinion since she must know what her daughter likes or dislikes :-)

    BTW, I received the multicolor mules yesterday…I’m not overwhelmingly impressed. When you look close to them, they don’t look as good as they do in the picture. First of all, I thought the material for the shoes is smooth leather but it actually is the same as the bags…textured canvas. Besides, although there’re over hundreds of color combinations in the multicolor series, but each piece only uses that little canvas, therefore, it cannot truly display the colorfulness of the series and you may get a piece with colors that you don’t particularly like…unless you get a larger bag or the international organizer, which has more different color monogram on it since it’s mini monogram.
  • Visual258.
    I almost forgot; I’ve always wanted to remind you this, when your mom go to pick up the Retro for you, make sure she ask the sales to show her all the bags they have and then pick one that has better flower arrangement. If you go to eBay you’ll notice that some of the bags either has little or no flowers or a block of flowers with the same size that stick together, that’s not good. Good luck!
  • Yeah...I went to LV store yesterday and saw the multicolor mule....it's not as good as shown on pictures. It looks a bit "cheap" actually. Anyway, I am not going for it.
    I already told my mom to pick the one with the best flower arrangement for me when my retro arrives but thanks for bringing that up!!! So are you getting that mule? What else have you reserved??? Are you getting any of the cherry blossom satins???
  • Visual258.
    現在是lunch break, 可以有時間慢慢打中文了. 那雙multicolor mule 我已經買啦…是昨天寄來的, 雖然不是想像中那麼好, 可是它的鞋型(尤其是整個圓弧的白鞋跟)實在挺精緻的, 加上我目前正好缺一雙白鞋, 還有multicolor也應該蠻好配衣服的, but US$ 510實在有點不值…我還在考慮要不要keep住啦.
    妳以經交代妳媽媽幫妳注意櫻花的排列啦? 我一開始還沒注意勒, 是看了eBay 上的不同圖片發現差別挺大的, 才趕快打電話請小姐幫我多留意.
    嗯~我沒有打算要買monogram satins , 雖然很美但那對我來說實在不太實用. 我現在就是和妳一樣在等Retro, 好慢噢! 其它我還reserve 了 cherry blossom 的雨傘, multicolor 的 hair cubes, 和characters 的panda 手機吊飾, 不知道什麼時候才能拿到...
  • I wanted to buy the umbrella too but I am afraid to lose it.... I'll probably kill myself for losing it (just kidding). Are the multicolor hair cubes like the ones they had before but with multicolor logo?? I mean the old hair cubes only had one LV logo on them. Do you have picture of the hair cubes??? I am also waiting for the phone strap...it's soooo cute.
    BTW, it's nice talking to you!!! You are such a nice person.
  • visual258:

    wow你已經買了那雙鞋啦﹖vancouver這裡好慢我還沒拿到勒~~ >< ~~嗚~

  • visual258.
    To smallestfish,
    我並沒有看到hair cube的圖片, 只有聽小姐在電話裡跟我形容, 她說是透明的(好像有黃和橘兩色)然後"�面"有很多multicolor的monogram,聽起來粉美吧,希望真的有那麼美....
    BTW, it's nice talking to you, too. Thanks for sharing your ideas and information with me:-)

    嗯~這雙mule並不是不好看啦, 只是我以為是很smooth皮面的但其實是canvas的, 整體來說還是粉美的, 反正遠看也看不出來是什麼material, 我買到的這雙上買的兩個LVmonogram各是藍色和深粉紅色(better then some other colors),鞋裡還有紫紅色的suede皮墊...完了... 越形容越想keep下來了...妳也要買嗎?
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