
請問在FG的百人體驗,是不是會由FG寄邀請信提供申請?<br /> 我一直都沒有收過百人體驗的邀請信,所以很好奇,<br /> 想請問大家是怎麼申請的呢?
  • 我也很久沒有收到百人體驗的邀請信了<br />之前還有收到過<br />現在連一封都沒收到<br />是不是被Fg遺忘了
  • 我只記得抽抽樂耶 百人體驗怎麼沒什麼印象阿 好懷念抽抽樂喔 雖然競爭者很多
  • <span style="font-size:16px;">I wonder it too<br /> <br /> at here, without recomendation, I won't use.  so FG is a good site for girls<br /> <br /> <br /> but if the experiance is related to sex.  then why need 100 exchange wife experiance to prove u is the son of bitch... as u force ur wife to become a bitch... so she deserve the personal damange from u, such as all ur income 1989~2017.  * not counting those u had lied other are bitches.</span>
  • 我也想知道<br /> 現在的百人體驗是由FG主動邀請?   還是由我們主動提出申請呢?<br /> 好久沒有體驗的機會了<br /> 也想問問呢