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牛仔褲 / 很多名牌牛仔褲的拉鍊都是台灣的YKK

住國外的朋友說她發現她的frankie b拉鍊是ykk的,我一看我的miss sixty也是,朋友覺得這好想形同made in china的世界精品名牌,沒那個價值,可是我覺得這代表台灣的Ykk獲得肯定啊!
  • 大吃一驚
  • ykk不是世界第一大拉鍊製造公司嗎?
  • sorry, but i thought YKK is from Japan known as Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha?
  • 嗯~~我之前就注意過了耶!
  • Miguela
  • YKK 是日本公司喔~~

  • 我同事也說ykk是日本的,因為印想中以前校車好像常經過中壢一家很大的ykk工廠,才一直讓我以為ykk是台灣的.
  • ykk 的確是日本的
  • 沒錯....YKK是日本的

  • 我還記得以前第一次發現我ㄉ牛仔褲和夾克外套都有YKK時ㄉ驚訝^^(當時真ㄉ不曉得YKK是個公司,還以為買的衣服公司製造自己ㄉ拉鍊)然後瘋狂check其他ㄉ衣服,還驚慌ㄉ問我同學YKK是什麼^^
  • 夜子
    01.寶島臺灣正在進行管控全國人民之大變態行徑:<br />寶島臺灣各地高樓大廈、透天厝分布著許多持有電子儀器、電磁武器的住宅用戶人員,這是受害者經過各個路段時,被強勁的電磁物質騷擾、襲擊,依照此強勁電磁物質扁平柱狀、圓柱狀電磁波,發射路徑為單向直線、單向斜直線之透明電磁波,所延伸之柱狀電磁波,進而發覺全國各地區,也有許多持有電子儀器、電磁武器的住宅用戶人員其電磁物質經由受害者手心觸覺,取兩點電磁波路徑,經而找到一些攻擊者住戶房間之位置,建議你們使用電子偵測儀器,將他們全部搜出來,但是攻擊者所使用的電子儀器、電磁武器,一旦發動襲擊時,會令你思緒遭到干擾,對你發出腦電波思唯訊號,左右你搜索他們的決心,電子 . 電磁物質會令你,頭暈目眩、嘔吐、肚子<br />腹痛、身體顫抖、耳鳴、內耳刺痛、腰腎痛------等,攻擊者背後有強大之惡勢力,作為他們的靠山,連警方到攻擊者住戶樓下屋內拜訪,也只是予以關心問安住戶。<br />02.受害者長期被許多變態居民,以電磁武器騷擾身體、抑制睡眠、攻擊身體,尤其以受害者住宅<br />四周,佈滿持有電子儀器、電磁武器的住戶人員,經受害者到派出所報案,派出所人員無法也不<br />可以理解,無法亦不受理受害者報案,受害者又以書面向全國各單位報案,此事件刻意被誤以為胡<br />思亂想,掩蓋攻擊者(恐怖份子)無法無天人神共憤之行徑,至使受害者至今仍受到監視、騷擾、<br />攻擊。<br />03.他們有投影設備,投射出的影片,能穿透水泥牆壁,將影片撥放讓受害者看,使用特殊的講話<br />聲音,與受害者長期對話,使用一種單向發射器,能將腦電波之思維訊號,穿透水泥牆壁,導入<br />受害者腦中,讓受害者感應他們的思想。<br />04.他們更加使用X射線攝像機攝錄監視受害者,作為電子 . 電磁攻擊武器之畫面,腦電波掃瞄儀器<br />,竊取受害者之腦電波影像訊號 . 腦電波聲音訊號 . 腦電波思維訊號作為偷窺 . 感應 . 監視用,又<br />以電磁武器,單向發射出強大之磁力物質, 穿 透水泥牆壁,襲擊受害者身體,其精神折磨、身體<br />痛楚,醫院是無法驗傷的。<br />05.攻擊者住戶房間之位置,才是攻擊者使用電子儀器、電磁武器的地方,長期攻擊受害者的住<br />戶,他們的房間都有三至五種,不同類型之電磁武器,不搜查攻擊者房間位置,如何能找到攻<br />擊者襲擊受害者之證據。<br />06.受害者腦電波已被竊取盜用,其竊取之腦電波影像訊號 . 腦電波聲音訊號 . 腦電波思維訊號作<br />為數位 . 類比及其它播放.分析 . 追蹤儀器之用,此為侵犯受害者隱私權 . 智慧財產權 . 涉及妨礙<br />秘密罪。<br />07.透視儀器監視受害者生活影像畫面,作為電子 . 電磁攻擊武器之畫面,此為侵犯受害者隱私權<br /> . 智慧財產權 . 涉及妨礙秘密罪。<br />08.使用電磁武器所發射之電磁物質,騷擾 . 緊纏受害者下體 . 頭部及攻擊受害者身體,此為強制<br />猥褻行為 . 嚴重性騷擾行為 . 綁架行為 . 傷害行為 . 暴徒行徑 . 盜匪之犯罪行為。<br />09.臺灣地方政府、臺灣政府治安機關,以及臺灣中央政府、臺灣中央政府治安機關,對於此事<br />件不積極偵辦,此等違法 . 違憲行徑, 將司法 . 憲法及人民的自由、人權、隱私權置於何處,<br />應屬公務人員瀆職。<br />10.攻擊者所使用的電子武器 . 電磁武器:屬於可以隨時攜帶式,操作模式分短程 . 中程 . 長程, <br />配備可移動目標鏡像畫面,電力系統為110伏特與220伏特,所發射 . 射擊出之電子 . 電磁物質,<br />為單向 . 直線 . 斜直線 . 透明 ,肉眼無法辨識之強勁電波 . 電磁波,可輕易穿透塑膠 . 鐵板 . 磁<br />磚 . 木板 . 水泥牆壁------等建築物,也會襲擊游泳池中的人。<br />11.攻擊者所使用的電子武器 ,下列只是其中小部份:<br />電磁力場有許多種類之發射模式,利用強勁的電磁物質,形成一道柱狀電磁波,追擊受害者身體<br />,其電磁物質之集中緊束或擴張效應,致使受害者身體,受到極大電磁壓力與身體疼痛。<br />12.電磁砲有許多種類之發射模式,是利用強勁的電磁物質與聲波互相結合,帶有電磁物質的聲<br />波子彈或砲彈,具有強勁之爆發力與衝擊力,瞄準受害者身體予以重擊。<br />13.聲波武器之聲波槍有許多種類之發射模式,利用聲波子彈或砲彈,瞄準受害者身體予以重擊。<br />14.電波武器有許多種類之發射模式,利用強勁的電磁物質,之外張力與內束力擠壓受害者身體。<br />15.電擊武器之直流電 . 交流電有許多種類之發射模式,利用強勁的電磁物質,與電能互相結合,<br />形成帶電的電磁波,其電擊力可強可弱,當身體被擊中時,有如觸電一般。<br />16.廣大的民眾被電子儀器,所發射出的腦電波訊號干擾思緒,而誤以為是某種感應,受此誤導<br />的民眾大有人在,其實這是可移動瞄準目標之單向微波發射器,對準你們的頭部思維感應區,<br />發出腦電波思唯訊號,在引導你們的思想,勿以為只有特定受害者之受害者才會被干擾思緒。<br />17.以上科技是臺灣政府所研發製造,進而在全台灣部署人員、電子儀器、電磁武器,此類事件<br />存在臺灣已有多年之久,這是無庸置疑的事件,臺灣政府一再否認有此科技與事件,把臺灣人民當作三歲孩童耍著玩,只會使得不法組織一再囂張壯大,將憲法、司法、治安法規、人權法,放置於何處,難道只是制訂給沒有擁有監視偷窺與攻擊性武器電子 . 電磁儀器 . 武器的人員遵守嗎?<br />18.涉及此事案件之成員,為蟾蜍符咒網路成員:政黨黨員、政府人員、宗教人員、企業負責人、<br />國防部人員、國安局人員、警政暑人員、警察局人員、傳輸 . 傳播通訊業者,及各地區居民---等<br />所聯合之行徑。<br />19.科技發展是為天下蒼生造福,不是用來作惡,勿以為偷雞摸狗的行徑,可以動用權勢來壓制廣大民<br />眾_人權的呼聲,世人的智慧與判斷能力差嗎 ? 讓擁有高官權勢的人員一騙再騙~廣大民眾醒醒吧 !<br />
  • dalkis
    01. the island of Taiwan is to regulate national people's perverted acts:Formosa Taiwan around skyscrapers, and through days House distribution with many holds electronic instrument, and electromagnetic arms of residential user personnel, this is victims after all sections Shi, is strong of electromagnetic material harassment, and attacks, in accordance with this strong electromagnetic material flat column shaped, and cylindrical shaped electromagnetic waves, launches path for one-way line, and one-way inclined line of transparent electromagnetic waves, by extends of column shaped electromagnetic waves, turn found country area, also has many holds electronic instrument, and electromagnetic arms of residential user personnel its electromagnetic material through victims Palm tactile, Take two points of electromagnetic paths, who found some of the attackers of household room location, it is recommended that you use electronic detection devices, they all found out, but an attacker by using electronic instruments, electromagnetic weapons, when once attacked, would you mind being interference, brain waves to you thinking the only signal, you search around their determination, e. Electromagnetic material will make you dizzy, vomiting, stomachBody trembling, abdominal pain, ringing in the ears, inner ear stabbing pain, lumbar and kidney pain------, the attacker behind the power of criminal syndicates and evil forces, as their cards, even the tenants downstairs in the House called on the police to attack will only be concerned with salutation households.<br />02. many victims have long been residents of metamorphosis, to electromagnetic weapon harassment, inhibiting , the body attacks the body, especially to victims of residentialFour weeks full of electronic equipment, household personnel electromagnetic weapons, the victim made a report to the police station, station staff cannot and do notUnderstandably, cannot and will not be considered victims to come forward, the victim made a report in writing to the national units, this event is calculated to be mistaken for HuSI, masked attackers (terrorist) acts of lawlessness be hated by both man and God, to victims are still subjected to surveillance, harassment,Attack.<br />03. they have the projection equipment, cast a movie, can penetrate the cement walls, place the movie victim, using special speechSound, a permanent dialogue with the victim, using a one-way transmitter, to thinking of brain wave signals through the cement walls, importIn the brain of the victim, victims of induction they thought.<br />04. their victims using x-ray camera video monitoring, as the electronic. Electromagnetic weapon pictures, brain wave scanning apparatus, Brainwave visual signals of victims of theft. Brain wave audio. Brain wave signals of thinking as a sneak peek. Induction. Monitoring, andTo electromagnetic weapons, one-way, emitting a strong magnetic material through the cement walls, attacks on physical, mental torture, physicalThe pain, the hospital is not medical clearance.<br />05. the attacker household room locations, an attacker using electronic instruments, electromagnetic weapons, long-term victims of attacksTheir rooms have three to five, different types of electromagnetic weapons, does not search the attacker room location, how can you find tappingHammer attack victim's evidence.<br />06. brain waves have been stolen misappropriated for victims, robbing brain waves of Visual signals. Brain wave audio. Brain wave signals of thinkingAs a number. Simulation and other play. analysis. Track equipment used for victims of violations of the right to privacy. Intellectual property rights. Involving prejudiceSecrets.<br />07. perspective instrument and monitor live images of the victims pictures, as the electronic. Electromagnetic weapon pictures, this for the victims of violations of the right to privacy. Of intellectual property rights. Involving the crime of disrupting a secret.<br />08. the emission of electromagnetic material by the use of electromagnetic weapons, harassment. Tightly wrapped around the victims body. Head and attacked the victims body, this is mandatoryActs of gross indecency. Serious acts of harassment. Kidnapping. Victimization. Acts of mob. Bandits and criminal acts.<br />09. the Taiwan local authorities, the Taiwan government public security organs, as well as the Taiwan Central Government, Taiwan law and order organs of the Central Government, with respect to this matterNot actively discussed, such an offence. Unconstitutional acts of justice. And people's freedom and human rights, the right to privacy in the Constitution,Should a public servant professional misconduct.<br />
  • JCLin
    10. electronic weapons used by the attacker. Electromagnetic weapons belong to can be carried at any time, mode of operation short. Medium-range. Long range,Equipped with removable objective mirror images for 110 volts and 220 volts of power systems, launched. Shoot e. Electromagnetic materials,For one way. A straight line. Oblique lines. Transparent, the naked eye cannot be resolved by strong waves. Electromagnetic wave, can easily penetrate the plastic. Iron plate. MagneticBrick. The plank. ------Cement walls and other buildings, also attacked people in the swimming pool.<br />11. electronic weapons used by the attacker, is only a small fraction of the following:Electromagnetic force field there are many kinds of launching modes, using strong magnetic material, forming a cylindrical electromagnetic waves in pursuit of the victims body, Its electromagnetic material confined to tight or expansionary effect, causing the victim's body, severe electromagnetic stress and body aches.<br />12. the electromagnetic guns has launched many kinds of patterns, is the use of substances with strong electromagnetic waves together, with a magnetic materialBullets or shells, with strong power and impact, aimed at the victims body to hit.<br />13. Sonic sound wave gun has many types of delivery modes, using Sonic bullets or shells, aimed at the victims body to hit.<br />14. the waves there are many kinds of delivery modes, using strong magnetic material, beam extrusion in the tension and the victims outside the body.<br />15. direct current of electric shock weapons. There are many types of AC power launch mode, using strong magnetic material, and power combined with each other,Forming charged electromagnetic waves, their electric shocks can be strong to weak, when the body when hit, electrocuted.<br />16. the majority of people are electronic instruments, the launch of brain wave signals interfere with the mind, and mistakenly thought it was some sort of induction, this misleadingPeople a lot, in fact this was a moving target of one-way microwave transmitters, sensing area at your head thinking,A brainwave thinking only signal, guiding your thoughts, do not think that only certain thoughts of victims are victims of interference.<br />17. the above is Taiwan manufacture by the Government resulting in Taiwan deployed personnel, electronic instruments, electromagnetic weapons, this kind of eventTaiwan has for many years after, there is no doubt, Taiwan Government repeatedly denied this technology and events, the Taiwan people as a three-year-olds playing in play, would only make illegal organizations repeatedly aggressive growth, Constitution, justice, law and order and regulations, human rights law, places where you have just developed to not have monitored electronic peeping and offensive weapons. Electromagnetic instrument. Weapons officer to comply with?<br />18. Member of the cases involved in this matter, Toad spells network members: members of political parties, Government, religious personnel, heads of enterprises,Department of Defense personnel, and the National Security Bureau, the police being able to staff, police officers, transport. Dissemination of telecoms operators, residents in and around the area---The joint practices.
  • 說真的,我學的有時候FG的水水只會動口而不會動手耶,在忙著爭辯YKK到底是國家時,為什麼就沒有人動手打幾個字http://www.ykk.com,就知道真相了,不用在那裡憑著自己的想像,亂答一通

    P.S. YKK是道地的日本公司

  • 本來就是日本公司啊...
  • 這有什麼好爭辯的。


  • 台灣有工廠是一回事...

  • Carol_C.
  • 鉛筆王


  • 對呀
    裡面的員工年資都比久的呢 !
    而且福利相當好的 ' 只要有缺 ' 馬上就有熟人介紹進去呢 !
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