嗯~ 有那麼多人給你建議了,this time you should be fine! Wish you luck!
很好用耶, 你也該帶去的, 但要很珍惜的用~ :P
國外好像沒有這種東西, 他們都覺得超cool的! 所以最後都送人了~
I'll watch out for it!
Please pass on my best wishes to Y&R~!
YEAH! 你也喜歡 fab 5, 那我以後又多一個人可以分享感想了!
對! I was holding my breathe! but you could see that guy did try his best to impress his g/f. He remembered everything and also managed to light ALL the candles!
tamli & paopao,
I've got a pic of that gorgeous burberry trench coat right here! http://www.breakthrough.org.uk/bcam/corporate-partners.asp?sn=53
£710 and 30% of it is going to charity ~
和你相反, 我的肩膀比較寬,
大家講了好多好吃的東西喔~ 真是會享受生活!
其實澳洲也有很多很棒的chef 喔!
我自己是沒吃過, 主因是很貴, 太奢侈~ 等以後賺大錢再去吧!!
但各位姐姐(:p) 一定要來澳洲吃吃看這邊top chef 的手藝, 我剛剛看了一個節目, 是在敘述去年澳洲有一個慈善晚會, 主辦單位請了全澳洲最頂級的chef, 大約20幾人, 他們必須負責400多位貴賓的晚餐, oh god, 超好吃的!! (光看就知道了!)
對了, 想問問看, 有沒有什麼書是介紹吃的呀?
像 a complete guide to XXX Cuisine, for example. I am not looking for a cookbook, 就是那種會介紹各國料理的特色的書, 或是 general knowledge that will help me understand the menu if I ever get a chance to go to a top-end restaurant!