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減肥日記 / 目標從58公斤 減到48公斤 !!!這次一定要瘦下來

從1月6日~1月12日 瘦了 2.5公斤 囉!!! 從1月12~1月15日~又瘦了0.5公斤!!! 我身高168公分~ 今天是55公斤~ 我要開始第一次正式的日記~
  • mimipei: 你昨晚做得真好!真是太棒了! 我昨晚也用了最大的耐力!讓自己沒有破戒! 你可以試試看所有成功人士的減肥餐! 那樣不但健康~而且也不太痛苦! 但是我沒辦法試試看那些~因為我無法拿捏! 哈哈~妳試試看好嗎?! 昨晚我升起想放棄的念頭!想著各個地方的美食! 但是我熬過去了~雖然根本沒睡好..現在又這麼早醒! 唉~我不該在下午就跑去睡覺..晚上就不會痛苦失眠! 但是怎麼可能忍受得了睡意!哈哈 我晚上不斷的想著有無任何東西可以讓我更有動力減肥! 想著想著沒有半個..甚至滿腦子食物!想著又想到瘦了 之後的世界..但是好像..又想起了食物~ 結果想起下午睡覺的時候~我夢見雞翅!哈哈 這是減肥後期會出現的症狀!我竟然有了這症狀! 但是能在夢裡吃吃那味道也不錯... 一早起床腦袋有點混沌~~~X(
  • 日期: 3/12 身高: 168 地秤體重: 48.6 kg 電子體重: 49.7 kg --------------------------------------------------------- 起床- 溫開水500c.c 早餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 午餐- 水 350c.c + 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 晚餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) -------------------------------------------------------- 睡覺的時候竟然做夢夢到自己正在吃最愛的雞翅! 而且是整碗裡裝得滿滿的,不讓給任何人一樣的狂咬狂吃! 吃到我從夢中睡醒發現自己嘴巴還在猛動!!!是真的減肥到快瘋掉辣... 夜晚特別難熬..還有強烈放棄減肥的念頭!!!非常強烈的.. 因為我覺得好痛苦..怎麼那麼難熬..我是那麼熱愛美食的 我想起各個地方吃過的美食...然而飢餓失眠更加痛苦難耐.. 但是我竟然還是熬過去了...冰箱裡任何食物都沒動過! 以往我會忍不住爬起床來狂吃..就算冰箱裡沒有食物.. 我也會衝去便利商店買大分量便當來狂吃.... 但是這一次..我忍過去了...每晚都忍過去了.. 我只想著自己之前的努力不可以白費 我為了自己感到驕傲.....確實的!! 明天和後天將會吃得非常好!!!! 我將會復胖..今天的48.6公斤是假象!!! 但是證明我昨晚努力忍受飢餓沒有白費~~~
  • 補運動: 日期: 3/12 -------------------------------------- 空中腳踏車 500下 (完成) ------------------------------------- 明天後天一定要運動才行!!! 不然就恢復不了49公斤以下了!!! 月底一定要48公斤!!!絕對要!!! 還有最近便秘..因為沒吃甚麼!!! 明天要清清腸胃!!! 希望今晚別失眠!!!
  • Good morning Orange Rain, It seems that you had a tough night >""<...good that you didn't go out and buy a big bag of food. I'm very proud of you. I have to say, it got a little easier for me to skip dinner, maybe I'm so tired at work I don't know. Of course I'm hungry but I can just go to bed, that's not too bad. It's been 3 days I have no dinner, this is the highest records ever, I'm going to make it 5 days. And Saturday I will weigh myself. I hope I can see 55.9 at least!!!! My period is almost finished, so I think next week would be a faster losing weight?? Since I'm not standing on my weight, I'm so afraid that the number is not going to change that much.....I put in so much effort and I'm really afraid of that. I really miss chocolate though. I will post what i eat later.
  • mimipei: 妳先別去想這些!努力一定會有收穫... 明天我將會吃一整顆萵苣+雞蛋+湯! 後天我將會吃魚肉.海鮮.飯! 所以...我更擔心了!!! 我甚至在也不想上來PO文章!! 我今天的心情非常難過...
  • Orange Rain, Why are you sad? Do you want to talk about it? Something happened? If you are not posting, I'm going to be sad also.... Please hang in there with the food, you can see 48 already....you've already achieved your title right? 目標從58公斤 減到48公斤!! this is great news. You've lost 10 KG, that's a huge deal. You should be so proud of yourself. Also, giving me help and influence.....I am so greatful for this. If you would like to talk about what you are being sad about, I'm more than happy to listen and to help you if I can. Breakfast: - fruit (melon, pineapple) 80 Kcal - Vegetables 50 Kcal - cereal & milk 120 Kcal - brownbread with jan 150 Kcal total 400 Kcal breakfast is always the same in the hotel....
  • mimipei: 算了..不想那些煩人的事情吧! 還是不要因為某些原因而放棄減肥.. 我還是必須瘦至45以下! 這三天我引用所謂的--流質減肥法! 那樣讓我今天清了腸胃..我感到舒服! 我覺得我正在進食的就是所謂的斷食法! 斷食法不是甚麼都不吃~而是只喝些流質的食物! 和吃一些非常清淡的食物! 我上網查了資料~那是修行人在實施的斷食法! 甚至有人不吃東西只喝水1個月..真是可怕! 但我不會那樣偏激~ 還有所謂的---過午不食法!不算減肥! 是為了身體健康的過午不食~ 也就是兩點以前可以吃東西~但是下午兩點以後 便以流質食物替代..可喝牛奶.豆漿.熱湯.咖啡! 也稱為""monk減肥法""但我認為那沒甚麼用~ 哈哈... 我今天閱覽以前減肥所吃的東西~ 通通都是澱粉和過多的糖類~ 我是到後期才開始食用大量蔬菜和豆漿.. 我覺得我並沒有錯..只是胃口慢慢變小~ 甚至認為前兩個月減肥吃得太多了!!! 但是卻還是成功瘦到現在..我認為我並沒有錯! 但是卻還是有人認為我錯.. 多吃蔬菜和蛋白質..我有錯嗎?! 我又不是絕食不吃... 唉~~~我只知道我吃澱粉只會使我變胖! 每個人體質不同!我吃澱粉只會阻礙脂肪燃燒 但是有的人吃澱粉可以幫助燃燒脂肪 所以我只是用了不同的方式瘦身..我並沒有錯吧?!
  • Orange Rain, I think I know why are you sad. Are there people critisizing your way to lose weight ? But the most important thing is, you know what you are doing!! Like me, I'm convinced that I know what I am doing. I eat very healthy and good for breakfast and lunch and I get at least 1000 Kcal a day. If I can exercise I do, if not, I don't. But I just want to do something that I've never done before. This is so much more than just losing weight or change my body. This is also my mind and my will. I think for you is the same....I think 48 for our height is a good weight. maybe 45 would be too skinny, but you know your body more than I do. Who am I to say how you should look like or what you should eat? You seem to be like a girl who loves yourself a lot, so how would you be so stupid to do something bad to yourself? I don't think so. We are not 15 years old anymore, we are already grown up, so we can be responsble for ourselves. That's the end of story. Please, IGNORE those people who don't want to understand or help you and just go on with what you believe. With all of these methods, just promise me you will stay healthy, moving and happy. After all, all of these efforts we are doing is to be happier. Otherwise, what are we busy for?
  • Like you said, everyone's body is different. We are not skinny enough but come on, there are plenty of fat people out there who thinks they look great. Which is fine, I mean, after all, their own opinion is more important than ours. It's all in one's mind. Everyone needs to be happy with what they get and what they do, this is the center of happiness in our heart. If someone is not happy with who they are, and they are also being a loser and not change for themselves, they will become those bitter people who can only critisize others and judge others. Sadly, we are surrounded by all of those people, even among our good friends. This is a life long lesson for all of us, I'm also just a jealous bitch who hates people that are taller and skinnier than me. (this is honest) I can't change my height, but I can also be skinny, so this is what I'm going to do. I can only become a better person by making myself better, and I want to be a better person instead of just a jealous bitch. Orange Rain, stick with what you believe and run to your goal, don't get distracted by any other people, remember what you want to achieve at the end.
  • Lunch: - fruit (melon, pineapple, banana) 170 Kcal - chicken, egg and shrimp salad 200 Kcal - small bread 100Kcal total 470 Kcal Plan to eat in the afternoon: -apple 60Kcal - banana 80Kcal - other fruits 80 Kcal Not eating dinner and running after work!!
  • mimipei: 這是我的新板 http://ifit.fashionguide.com.tw/forum/forum-content.php?TopicNum=291751&pp=1&psize=6&Cate2Num=420&Key= 之前因為減肥後有點心急.. 對於""古月""感到非常抱歉 也謝謝""古月""建議我們的事情 只是因為一昧的趕時間所以減肥有點神經質了我 希望mimipei能來我的新板一起努力! 我要從新開始朝45公斤邁進! 期待妳來新版一起努力! 我想看見妳幸福的穿上婚紗
  • http://www.wretch.cc/blog/playboy21lmc 快來看看我PO的減肥11公斤分享文章唷!!!!
  • 我是二個孩子的媽囉! 目前身高是168cm體重是56Kg 我是有在吃沖繩青木瓜酵素吃快一個月了/味丹胺基酸(睡前吃)才吃一個禮拜而已從本來58Kg下降到56Kg到現在還是停留在56Kg一直不知道來怎麼辦!只好每天加按摩等待奇跡出現,好想瘦到50Kg喔!一起加油~~~~~~~~~
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