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減肥日記 / 目標從58公斤 減到48公斤 !!!這次一定要瘦下來

從1月6日~1月12日 瘦了 2.5公斤 囉!!! 從1月12~1月15日~又瘦了0.5公斤!!! 我身高168公分~ 今天是55公斤~ 我要開始第一次正式的日記~
  • mimipei: 今晚特別嘴饞~大概是因為我男友回來嚕! 明天他將帶我去吃大餐!此刻因為他鼾聲太大而失眠! 我告訴他我好想吃火鍋吃到飽~或是燒肉吃到飽! 他非常樂意帶我去吃~我還不斷的想念雞腿! 他看見我如此努力的減肥~他說我明天想吃甚麼都帶我去! 我是非常期待的!但我卻又多麼希望我吃不到阿! 因為明天的大餐肯定影響我往後的體重! 今天在便利商店買了一包蒟蒻麵!一包才3大卡! 我因為在減肥時期十分懷念麵食!所以想買了解饞! 禮拜日會吃吃看好不好吃~在決定往後可否更滿足胃! 之前買過的蒟蒻麵不同牌子~非常難吃與噁心~ 所以我一直不敢嘗試蒟蒻麵~ 為什麼熱量低的東西~都如此難吃! 希望這次買的蒟蒻麵可以好吃一點X) 等我們享受完美食~真的要好好的克制自己四~五天了! 期待妳在與我談話!
  • 日期: 3/07 身高: 168 地秤體重: 50.2 kg 電子體重: 51.3 kg ---------------------------------------------------------- 起床- 溫開水500c.c 早餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 午餐- 蕃茄燒鍋 + 2碗白飯 (熱量..高的嚇人) 內容物-(冬粉.金針菇.蕃茄.豆腐.豬肉2小片.蝦1.蛤蠣.魚丸.青菜.湯) 飯後- 溫開水500c.c+綜合纖維錠(2大卡)+酵素錠(2.8大卡)+乳酸菌膠囊(2.4大卡) 晚餐- 油切綠茶(0大卡) ---------------------------------------------------------- 嗯嗯- 2次 ---------------------------------------------------------- 空中腳踏 2000下 (完成) ---------------------------------------------------------- 今天和朋友去吃大餐~本來要去吃吃到飽!還好沒有去! 而沒想到點個燒鍋竟然那麼多東西!以為蕃茄燒鍋很清淡的! 但是味道酸鹹的嚇人!根本不需要再沾醬!裡頭有冬粉還送白飯來! 早知道我和朋友都請他別送白飯!而朋友吃不下白飯..我不喜歡浪費.. 於是我死撐著吃了兩碗白飯!但其實我根本連自己的燒鍋和白飯都吃不下! 基於珍惜食物..還有平常根本不可能吃到白飯所以更珍惜白飯了! 這讓我知道體重可怕的上升!所以餐後去便利商店買了""一日順暢補給"" 裡面有三顆藥丸~可幫助體內環保!但我後悔沒在餐前吃""減少熱量的藥丸"" 朋友晚上還想吃麥當勞~我嚇死了才不敢再吃了! 今天努力踩了空中腳踏車2000下以做彌補! 但我太累了所以沒有做仰臥起坐與其他的運動... 今早體重是昨日吃太多還有整晚失眠導致體重沒有下降反升! 而明日的體重我想會更重...相當可觀阿!!!!!
  • nanavivi: 真高興看到你^^小紅來要好好照顧自己唷! 我小紅快來了!大概會有暴食症~希望自己克制點! 大家一起努力^^三個月後一定會有所收穫>< 小紅走後有黃金週~瘦身超速期!妳要好好把握^^ 對阿~~買貴貴的牛仔褲犒賞自己激勵自己! 我也是如此的想的XD 而且我們要越買越小~越改越小件穿~~~加油! 期待你再來PO唷X)
  • 日期: 3/08 身高: 168 地秤體重: 50.1 kg 電子體重: 51.2 kg ------------------------------------------------------------------ 起床- 溫開水500c.c 早餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 午餐- 蒟蒻麵(2大卡)+萵苣(60大卡)+雞湯塊(40大卡)+雞蛋(80大卡) 午茶- 巧克力2(122大卡)+油切咖啡(0大卡) 晚餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 嗯嗯- 1次 --------------------------------------------------------------- 今天吃了之前不敢吃的蒟蒻麵..還真是很臭耶!!! 這種蒟蒻麵怎麼可能涼拌..臭死了~噁心>< 還好我有雞湯塊把麵煮沸就沒有臭味了!!有一種魚腥味! 今天量體重還好沒有想像中可怕!大概是因為昨天吃的纖維錠有用QQ 還是因為自己做了2000下空中腳踏車彌補?!總之好險這次逃過.. 兩碗飯+火鍋耶!!!可怕的熱量...還好昨天記得吃酵素錠!不然一定會很慘 唉~又到了50開頭..又要開始努力了QQ好累...今天冷的喉嚨痛呢! 我覺得自己小紅快來脾氣暴躁! 朋友在吃家裡吃超香的食物..我生氣的叫他不要靠近我!! 因為味道太香了!!氣的是自己甚麼都不能碰!只能吃低熱量的!! 很痛苦的尤其是晚上!他在旁邊吃豬排便當..我只能喝牛奶豆漿!! 去家樂福最近都只能買萵苣.無糖茶.雞蛋...朋友買了一整包巧克力!! 今天中午偷吃了兩顆巧克力..馬上喝昨晚買的油切咖啡來清腸胃^^ 我以為油切咖啡很難喝~竟然很好喝^^喝完馬上嗯嗯清空腸胃好有效果唷! 警告自己:小紅快來了!千萬別吃澱粉類!
  • 日期: 3/09 身高: 168 地秤體重: 49.3 kg 電子體重: 50.4 kg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 早午餐- 萵苣1顆+雞湯塊+雞蛋 下午喝- 水 350c.c 晚餐喝- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- 捶打膽經 30分鐘 (完成) ------------------------------------------------------------ 昨天不知道在累什麼?!大概天氣冷到爆! 所以完全不想運動就去睡覺.. 本來快睡著了被貓吵醒.. 失眠就來小小小運動一下.. 不然不可能那麼快瘦到49.3唷!!! 而且昨天晚上... 竟然忘了喝無糖豆漿..也不餓.. (是偷吃巧克力所以不餓嗎?!) 結果醒來發現冰在冰箱裡... 昨天吃不完的蒟蒻麵變成乾塑膠哈哈! 我都忘記要泡著水了...結果不能吃..真是浪費耶我!!! 然後一起床吃了一大顆的萵苣..煮成湯加顆雞蛋太好吃了!!! 這次的萵苣怎麼才兩天就吃完了= ="" 之前可吃四天!!!這次買太小顆!!! 今天也好累好冷一點都不想運動... 才起床過不到幾小時就好想睡覺..
  • 你很厉害也... 我都不能像你这样每天坚持做运动的呢,看你离你的目标不远咯~ 要加油哦~~ 我们一起努力~~
  • 依然童童: 不過這幾天太冷我都沒做運動.. 哈哈..希望明天我有動力阿.. 我現在就好想睡覺啥都不想做了 不過我還是會繼續努力^^ 謝謝你唷!!!一起加油!!!
  • Hello OrangeRain, I'm here finally, how are you. you are 49.3, very good. I ate a lot yesterday I didn't pay attention at all. We went to restaurants and everything it was a lot of good food. This morning I'm 56.9 :-( but I knew I was getting fatter cus I ate so much. So now I actually have 7 weeks to lose 5 KG...I really hope I can make it. I'm having my period this week...Orange Rain, I need some motivation again...
  • mimipei: 天阿!你吃的美食.體重竟然才多一點點! 我可是吃了要和一些奇怪的飲料才把那些排掉了! 而今天我吃得更少才得到這樣的體重.. 享受美食是好!可是我上次吃的美食並不好吃!難過! 哈哈~這次我竟然想更積極努力減肥.. 但是這三天天氣冷得不能..讓我動不了 於是我只好減少食量!也因為我太晚起床 所以吃完中餐的時間已經太晚了..晚餐則不吃了 明天我要繳房租~噢!到時候沒有任何錢買食物! 或許那樣我可以順利減肥..哈哈 這一周我想做的事情是.. 一起床吃一堆青菜..非常的多..吃到飽!! 接下來的中餐晚餐便都只喝流質的東西 你必須不喝任何含糖的食物在這個禮拜 也不能吃任何澱粉..一餐都不能夠!!! 但是可吃肉和青菜和水果.. 澱粉和糖分吃了只會阻礙脂肪燃燒! 讓你完全無法瘦下來!若能飢餓著睡去最好 因為那樣會燃燒你的脂肪! 餓了就只能喝水了!這周若是做不到這些.. 那麼必須加重幾倍運動..那會讓你餓的更想吃 所以你必須飢餓..這樣不必加重運動! 否則沒有任何辦法.. 我每晚飢餓的躺在床上都滿腦子都是""瘦"" 我不想其他了..只想著瘦瘦瘦瘦瘦!!!!
  • Orange Rain, I'm so happy to see your reply. I really needed your support otherwise I have the feeling that I'm not going to make it anymore. This week I won't be able to weight myself cus I'm in Denmark, Copenhagen for work. (I live in Amsterdam, the Netherlands) So I will only see my weight on coming saturday 14th of March. But this week I'm having my period!! Does this mean that it's very difficult to lose any weight?? Would I be extra hungry? I shouldn't eat anything anymore today, Cus I already ate too much. I had a sandwich for breakfast and then a big lunch!! The problem is I'm on business trip and of course all other colleagues want to go out for dinner....so I will try my best to get out of it. This is so annoying to be in this situation while I'm on a BIG DIET. But do you think 5 KG in 7 weeks is possible? Next week is my golden time right? (when my period left)
  • mimipei: 那麼你這段期間..真的沒辦法控制飲食噢! 多麼希望妳最好晚餐能夠避開高熱量食物~ 一般來說7個星期可以瘦五公斤! 基本上7個禮拜可以瘦7公斤~但是畢竟會有很多具餐! 如果你能在這個禮拜瘦到55公斤!那麼妳是可以辦到的! 我希望妳能在小紅來的期間不要食用任何澱粉! 巧克力熱可可能吃..至少別再吃飯麵包麵條..等 若要吃東西必須非常非常的慢 你飲食的步驟是 先喝湯或水流質的食物..大量的 先吃水果和蔬菜..而後才可吃肉類..接著才可以吃澱粉 而你必須吃得非常慢..硬質的食物必須一次嚼食40下! 吃的越慢越不會造成胃部負擔..很快就可以消化掉 吃飽完畢能站著或多走路多走..最好吃完食物走1小時以上 全部吃完之後一個小時必須多喝些水!!! 洗澡的時候若能泡澡就多泡澡促進血液循環!!! 若不能泡澡必須在洗完澡後多按摩自己全身!!! 在睡前若能抬著腿睡覺最好抬腿20分鐘以上 這些難不倒妳的^^
  • Orange rain, To be 55 this week >""< that's almost 2 kg per week isn't it? I will do my best not to have any 澱粉 during this week. Thank you for being there for me, teaching me and encouraging me. I already had some nights that I went to bed hungry, I know I can do it. (and so can you!!) Last year 8th of August, 2008, lots of people got married. One of my boyfriend's friend was also married that day. His girlfriend is very beautiful but she was BIG. She was maybe 170cm but I'm sure she was at least 65kg. I met her before in April (so 4 months before the wedding) when she got married, she was maybe around 53-54kg (which is my standard). Meaning that in 4 months, for the wedding, she lost 10 KG!!!!!! This is more or less like my schedule I think. And all of our friends were shocked to see her transformation, especially becuase she is a pretty girl, when she lost 10kg, it was like she was re-born!! She was such a beautiful bride I'll never forget. And I want to be like her, so that everyone can be so surprised, that I did it in 2 months to lose 5 KG.
  • mimipei: 所以你必須以她為榜樣和目標向他看齊! 你想著她也可以..而你只需減去5公斤!所以你更可以! 必須要有這麼樣的認知!就像我對別人看齊! 我以別人為目標..我也要向那人一樣如此纖細! 所以我如此努力!忍受失眠飢餓的每個夜晚!我忍耐! 沒有任何減肥是輕鬆的!所以不可以被擊倒! 就算這個白色情人節男友將帶我去吃大餐! 但是我選擇吃生魚片..因為那樣熱量較低!但也會胖! 我會去想瘦生魚片..但我盡量不挑有握白飯的壽司! 這樣可以把傷害減到最小! 希望你也能夠盡可能挑選食物! 菜單上最不讓妳胖的食物吃她! 縱使每樣都有可能!但盡可能! 最簡單的減肥就是從食物下手! 其餘的不談~你做得到的話減肥並不是難事! 你一定要變成更美的新娘! 你可以的!加油!!!!!! 我一定也可以!!!!!! 絕對要做到!!!! 不然每個夜晚的飢餓都是白費工夫!!!!
  • I know, she had to lose 10KG while me only 5. If she can do it, so can I. Just now we went for dinner with my colleagues, she asked for a big salmon steak, and I just had a coffee with milk and a tea. It was SOOO difficult because I'm actually hungry and I can smell her food. I think this must have been one of the most difficult nights that i had to not eat. But I did it, with only a coffee and a tea, I didn't eat anything. I'm very proud of myself because by the end of this week I'm aiming for 55. Now even with a coffee and a tea, my stomach is full with water, I can't imagine if I had eaten, I would have looked like a pig!! Thank you for your answers and help, without you, I wouldn't have make this far. Remember, every day is important, and we can make it, and when you are 48 and when I'm 52, that would be a whole new world for us. I can't weight myself tomorrow morning, but I can feel more or less if I had gained or not, so it's going to be a big surprise when I get back to Amsterdam. 55 I'm going to do my best. Have a good night and I talk to you tomorrow. 加油!!!!!! When you are hungry, think I'm also hungry with you.
  • 不好意思 我看了一下妳們的對話 其實減肥不是什麼都不吃 而是應該有營養的都要吃 要吃的聰明 吃對份量跟時間 ""she asked for a big salmon steak, and I just had a coffee with milk and a tea"" --> actually, I would rather u hv the salmon steak then coffee+milk and tea. 咖啡跟茶對減肥沒有幫助只有害處 但是鮭魚卻是很好的蛋白質 if u can order salmon steak with salad is the best and u will not gain weight from it. u should eat small portion and drink lots of water. [wat comes in must goes out the next day!] and water will help u with it. but never ever drink ice water... warm water + lemon (which u should be able to get in all restaurant) is the best. 澱粉也要吃 只是不要跟蛋白質一起吃 不吃澱粉脾氣容易暴躁 if u want, there is a really good book to read ""Skinny Bitch"". Its focus is on ""wat to eat"" and ""wat not to eat"". Plus, if u r losing weight for ur big day, u want to include exercise to tone up ur body. 對不起 我很雞婆 :P i lost over 15kg in the past year (exactly a year ago, i was 65kg and now 48.5kg) by the way, about 泡澡. 如果妳小紅來不方便可以只泡腳+一點點薑的精油, 或是只是泡腳也不錯 keep urself warm and ur circulation going :)
  • mimipei: 妳真的好努力!非常棒! 你如此的努力~我也必須更努力! 剛剛有人回應我們一些比較沒有幫助的東西 所以我把那篇刪掉了~她叫我們要吃澱粉! 都已經非常時期了!還叫我們吃澱粉! 澱粉我們當然愛吃!但那只會讓我們胖! 我們不可以心軟~就算是為了我們短暫的美麗也好! 以後盡可能可以大吃澱粉~為了小寶寶! 但是現在要成為美麗的新娘!必須付出努力! 我現在已經不想聽信於那些比較費話的建議! 因為那些廢話我們當然懂~什麼要這樣吃才健康辣! 健康..就不等於會瘦..所以才要努力阿! 時間很短阿..我們剩下的時間~ 若是有一年~那麼長的時間~那我當然願意健康瘦! 我一兩個禮拜才瘦1公斤~~這樣還不夠健康?! 請她去跟五天瘦四公斤的人費話吧!那才叫做不健康~ SORRY~一早起床看見別人回應廢話的~感到有點生氣! 我根本不想要在減肥的時候有人一早打擊我的信心! 所以我刪掉了那篇回應~我也不希望你看到! 她並且複製了你的語言~ 希望你我都努力!因為至少自己努力盡力過了~ 以後會為自己感到非常有成就感~也因此不會後悔沒努力過!
  • 如果我的回應有對妳不客氣妳不開心 我和妳道歉 對不起 我只是因為自己已經努力減重一年約減輕17.5公斤 我看到mimipei很努力 想說跟妳們分享一下 我在之前留言裡面提到的書妳們真的可以去看看 中文翻譯[瘦婊子] 是一位模特兒經紀跟一位模特兒寫的 吃真的很重要... 吃的對會瘦的快... 如果只是因為短時間需要瘦而減重 會有復胖的風險 我幾年前有過這樣的經驗  anyway, 我只說這麼多了 我不會再來這裡打擾妳們  
  • To 古月0803, The thing is, we are all experts here. I went to a dietist a year ago, and I know a lot about food, eating and also suppliments. I would call myself almost an athlete, I ski, golf, run long distance, and I go to the gym at least 3 times a week. Following arobic or spinning classes. The point is, I honestly don't know anyone who lives more healthy than me, from my busy schedule, I really try my best to improve myself by exercising a lot....but I lost only 2 KG in one year. And I think, this is because I already live relatively healthy and I don't eat too much junk, that's why for me, exercising doesnt really make miracle. I'm now only 5 KG from target. Coming from 60, I want to be 52 and now I'm around 57...Exercise and eating healthy help but it's way too SLOW. I have now two months to get to 52, to be honest, only orange rain's way helps me from my 10 years trip of losing weight......and I eat well during the day....so I really try my best skipping dinner, of course I know salmon is good protein source, what about the sauce on the side? if I keep on eating these things and tell meself it's ok, it's just protein, I'll never lose the weight, never ever. I don't believe in eating healthy dinner, those blabla anymore. At least for me, after trying for two years, only Orange Rain's way works for me. I am having dinner when I have to....After all, May is very close by now.
  • 日期: 3/10 身高: 168 地秤體重: 49.3 kg 電子體重: 50.4 kg ------------------------------------------------------------------ 起床- 溫開水500c.c 早餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 午餐- 水 350c.c + 無糖豆漿(148大卡) 晚餐- 無糖豆漿(148大卡) ------------------------------------------------------------------ 我的最終目標體重: 45公斤!!!離我還好遠!!! 今天體重沒變重..好險! 昨天本來要喝兩瓶無糖豆漿~ 但是因為喝完第一瓶已是下午5點多~ 我7點就很想睡...五點忍到七點才睡.. 睡到九點多才醒來..真想睡到天亮可惡!!! 所以昨晚有做一點小運動-空中腳踏 500下 不然早上體重一定會變重.. 今天要交房租..真是麻煩.. 沒有萵苣~只有無糖豆漿~~禮拜六在買萵苣!!!
  • Hello Orange Rain, I think many people get confused with ""maintaining weight"" and ""lose weight"". Also, with everybody differs hugely. If someone is eating chips, fried chicken switch to salmon and salads, of course they will be thiner. For someone who has been eating salads almost for 2 years, the only way to lose weight is to eat as less as possible. There is just no other way. When do you want to achieve your goal of 45? Is it also within 2 months? I guess you and your boyfriend are not living together? I also find it very difficult when my boyfriend is cooking or wants to have dinner with me. It's maybe good that he is not home. I miss him a lot but it's good for my weight, so I have to hang in there. Apart from being hungry. But you know, learning how to suffer makes us better person, we live in a prosperate world already...nice food, nice clothes and lots of material. So many of my friends pity me cus I don't have a kitchen, so I can't cook. They all ask me to go and eat with them....it's so sweet of them, but is it really such a big deal if we don't eat in the evening? I don't understand what's the big deal about it. We all eat way too much and there is always food anyways.
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