Those bags are fake. I mentions about another website before,, they use to sell balenciaga bag on their website . They not longer carry them because balenciaga found out about it and have them takedown on their website. The SA at balenciaga told me there`s only 2 authorized retailers on the net , and However you need to call them or send them an email to enquiries on their Balenciaga bags. The price on aloharag is about $50-60 cheaper than the boutique and they provide free shipping, but you need to be really quick on ordering. Both websites are first come first serve and no waiting list.
Oh...and the price for the 2005春夏新款 are the same. Small 995 and medium 1095. Only the limit edition balenciaga are more expensive, most of the time $100 more.
blumarine I think the reason for them to ask you to email them for enquires is because some of ebay seller (those who sale fakes) had taken picture from their website and post it as their own pictures. So now they only provide links to those who are interested. I personally think the people at aloharag are really friendly, so send them a quick email. = ) Here is the link to aloharag:
For those that still thinking about getting your bag from ebay..... just letting you know there are some really high end replicas of the Balenciaga bags coming out with Lampo zippers as well !! Check out this link. This is a fake "used" bag:
Here are the authentic Lampo zippers: And all the bags should have black interior regardless. Should I just open a new thread and put all the information on it. =)
kimisin... I`m on the waitlist of a medium bag right now I can`t really tell how big the bag is can you give me some idea? is it as big as the Luella bag? is it heavy? I`m more looking for a bag for some make up, wallet, ipod and cell phone should I get the medium one or the small one? would it be able to fit a normal size book into the medium one? thanks !
blumarine 大概是這樣,not 100% sure, though: Moto Bag small, 7.5"H x 14"W x 2"D Moto Bag medium, 9"H x 15"W x 5"D Moto Bag overnite, 14.5"H x 19.5"W x 8"D Gisele, 11"H x 16"W x 6"D Baby Gisele, 9 1/2"H x 11"W x 4 1/2"D
Vizcaya... hmm do you know if the small one is useful? I don`t wanna spend 995 on a bag that I can only put keys in XD so medium is around the same size as Gisele woooo....Gisele is actually a little too big for me, I don`t really need that much space for my stuff
blumarine.... The medium size is not as big as the luella gisele and it is alot lighter. The reason for me to prefer the medium size more is because i can put more stuff in it whenever i travel. You will do fine with the classic bag (small) with the all those things that you name. I usually put the cell phone in the front pocket and with ipod, wallet, some makeup and few brushes, and there`s still space left in my bag. I am 5`4"....usually with 3"heels...and look pretty good with medium size i think.
Vizcaya... I was just joking about opening a new make me feel sad now..... =P
The medium is only little bit bigger than the small (like 2" more overall) and you can stuff magazine into it. ( i guess i shouldn`t do that, but i did) The medium size is just more practical to me. what color are you getting? Still Sky blue? The waitlist is long!!!
nono....I asked for turqoise blue instead waitlist is too long for sky blue but I don`t really know what turqoise blue is like the sales just told me it`s a brighter color so`ll look nice haha I think the blue ones should go with jeans easily what`s your color?