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About University of Toronto多倫多大學

Anyone in fashionguide that go to University of Toronto?? or you know someone that go there?
can you please tell me if you like U of T?
I am planning to attend commerce(undergraduate) at University of Toronto next year, and I wanna know if it's a good deicision! Thanks a lot!
ps. my chinese typing is really slow, so i can only type a little of chinese!
  • 米布丁
  • lots of people said that waterloo has the best coop in canada...i think it's quite true because they usually could find some decent job. it's harder for the first year though cuz they don't know as much
  • to Erica:
    my brother is only 18 now, i dun know whether he is allowed to live alone or not. one of the reasons i wanna go to Guelph is to get away from my brother..ha ha.....plus i dun think he will like Guelph......he even thinks Toronto is a boring city, how can he loves there?~ i dun wanna hear any complains from him.
    true say, waterloo has the best coop in canada
    one of my friend, he is now working for SunLife Insurance Company~~~however, i think to find a decent job has to depend on your ability and major. not only the skool you study at.
  • to cassie905:
    18 years old?? yah, of course he is allowed to live alone. or maybe you could find him roomates. does he go to high school, college or university? if he is in college or university, then it's not a big probelm after all.
    your brother is even older than me, and i know somebody my age that lives alone. so don't worry too much about your brother la.

    if he doesn't like Toronto, guelph would be so boring for him cuz there's nothing to do in Guelph
  • ??
    where are u?taiwan or canada?
  • is everyone out or something?? i am stuck in the house and there's nothing to do except watching tv..........
  • to cassie905:


  • to erica*:
    what are u goin to apply, then?

    i didnt apply for SFU, but i am thinking about it.

    i apply for UT, MCMASTER, QUEEN'S. i also applied for mcgill.

    i know...queen's 是在很偏僻的地方
  • to 牛寶貝
    next year, i will apply to UT, Wilfred Laurier, Western Ontario, Mcmaster, mcgill..
    for commerce, business administration

    i know, queen's is in kingston, and it's on the middle of toronto and Ottawa....it's very isolated. mcgill also has chinese students. i went to montreal last march break and pass by mcgill. the atmosphere is pretty comfortable and great. montreal is a nice city.
    hmm..mcmaster is in Hamilton. it's not very far from toronto thou. some of my friends(canadian) really want to go there.
    my first choice would be UT cuz it's in Toronto.

    you didn't apply to Western Ontario?? it's in London, ON. that place is really far from Toronto. well, a lot of people like that school. but students at western are pretty snobbish and there are gangs in the school. too many kids do drugs and party way too much at that school. anyway, they all have fun, but if you really want to concentrate on studying the it's not so good.

    are you sure you don't want to take TOEFL again for UT? it's a great school and city to be in. just don't regret it later ba!!!
  • me too. i feel really bad for my dad because my brother and i are both visa student and we both go to private school. he has to spend a ton of money on us. especially right now Taiwan's economy is terrible...sigh

    anyway, if we all try our best and go to good school and get good grades, then our parents' money will be more meaningful
  • water~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • where did everyone go? i think i am the only one that has nothing better to do, haha.
    by the way, my brother and i live in homestay cuz we can't live by our self(we are in high school). i am so sick of that family. i can't wait till i go to university and live in the residence.
  • 米布丁
    hello erica*
  • hi 米布丁
    do you also go to U of W?
  • 米布丁
    no...but actually紅包袋is my boyfriend.. if u have any question feel free to ask us~ ;O)
  • cool~~ thanks...people here are so nice, hehe.
    i have some friends in U of W, but they are not in engineering thou. they are in computer science...

    i didn't know there were many taiwanese in the area(waterloo). that's awesome.

    how long have you been here?
  • to erica:
    i have made a mistake la
    my brother is turning 17 not 18. this Sat. is his birthday~~~~
    actually, i have a cousin who is one year younger than my brother and he is here as well. my brother is like a baby, my parents won't let him live alone. therefore i have a huge responsibility...sigh.....
    i feel kindda tired, coz i wanna do many things but due to my brother, i cannot do wht i want. By law, i dun think they are allowed to live alone under age 18.
    i m gonna turn 24 in sept. i have so many plans and things wanna do. but the responsibility tie me up .....sigh.......
    i envy you so much, at least you only need to concern your own future, but me......i have to consider others'.
  • to 牛寶貝:
    i have asked my friends, they dun know whether there are scholarship that visa student can apply for. i m so sorry, i cannot help you.
    yeah...i cannot doubt they are pretty smart, or i should say they are very hardworking. most of them are nice but some of them................no comment!!!
    my first year at college there were not lots of chinese only whites but second year.....oh.......my god.....i thought i was in China.
    yeah.....we need to remeber wht's the purpose we are here.....
    we bother "add oil" bah!!!
  • to cassie905:
    i see. your brother is the same age as me then. that makes it hard cuz i don't think i could live on my own either. perhaps he could go to boarding school or homestay? don't envy me cuz i am in the same situation as you. my brother is only 15 and he is pretty spoiled and child like. i wish he could grow up soon. i also have responsibility for him cuz my parents, and you know....
    i have to look after his things like school and friends and stuff. he has to follow me everywhere so now i am not even allowed to go to my friends' house to sleep over.

    it's horrible..........
    maybe you should talk to your parents and they will let him be on his own
  • 牛寶貝:
    i know you didn't ask me, but i know a lot of people get bursuries (it's like scholarships) when they get accpeted by university in Ontario. well, i dunno know about BC, but at the school that i go to. Most of the graduate get a couple thousands dollars when they go to universty. it's like the university pays good student to go to their schools. every school has different offers and stuff. you can check out the websites of the university you applied for, and ask a counsellor at your school
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