真是歹勢, 沒注意打錯成HIV, 嚇死大家~(口中念念有詞~~~幫大家收驚中~~~~)
再提供一些有趣資訊, 是由一本如何自我家居護理的書看到, 我這次會小心不打錯, 嘻嘻~~
Cold core (fever blister) are small red blisters that usually appear on the lip and outer edge of the mouth. They often weep a clear fluid and form scabs after a few days. They are sometimes confused with "Impetigo", which usually develop between the nose and upper lip. The fluid that weeps from Impetigo is cloudy and honey-colored, not clear.
Cold sores are caused by a herpes virus. Herpes viruses (chickenpox is another kind) stay in the body after the first infection. Later, something that triggers the virus causes it to become active again. Cold sores may appear after cold, fever, exposure to the sun, stressful times, or during menstruation. Sometimes, they appear for no apparent reason.