I know... it's kinda funny... but it's working... so it's worth it.
That whole thing started because I told him I wanted "something in writing". I think it's important to have written proof, otherwise you won't remember what you (or the other party) said...
我有嘗試到e-bay去找了一下你正在賣的包包 我也看到你的auctions了 不過我發現你從去年十一月到一月份為止 在e-bay上買了十幾個LV的東西 請問你現在賣的 也都是這段時間在e-bay上買的嗎? 那這些東西是真品嗎? 另外 你說你"will sell 4 of her 10 Louis Vuitton purses for more than she paid for". 可是我看你現在拍賣中的紫色Thompson Street 起標價$425(目前標到$455了) 跟之前你用$343標到的包包是一模一樣的款式耶(我不敢說一定是同一個) (其他也有類似這樣低買高賣的情形 雖然對seller來說這也無可厚非 可是好像跟你上面敘述的不太一樣吧) 所以....只是好奇請問一下包包的來源.. 謝謝.