I wanna share my excitement with you guys... I GOT MYSELF A DEVI KROELL BAG TODAY!!! YAYYYYY I`M SOOOOO HAPPY mine`s gold medium...large is just wayyyy too big
Luxe, Welcome back. It is nice to see you again. 工作忙, 我在更新我的網站與我的遊記 雖然我才休假回來. But I want more vacation.
"Dan Brown’s Deception Point被我斷斷續續讀了將近一年" I did not finish "Deception Point". It seems an interesting book, but I just been putting it off. Maybe I will try to read it again. All the Dan Brown`s book are very popular right now, even in my office.
"It is a conversation-starter,卻也令人感到annoyed" I can understand that. When you want to relax, but people want to talk. I am sure that meet some very interesting people. maybe they are using the book as opening line to get your number.^__^