To Le Petit Prince 不客氣啦...:P 這個站給我的感覺是滿綜合的, 什麼資訊都有涉獵到一點點, 可是都不是很深入(譬如地鐵14線底站已由Madeleine改為Gare Saint-Lazare,去年就開始通車囉). 而且他們建議的旅館好貴喔~~大概都是位於觀光景點的關係吧! 旅館其實找2星的就可以了... 另外就是如果有去春天百貨逛街的話, 他們有免費的巴黎地圖可以索取, 內含巴士,地鐵, RER(郊區快線)和巴黎市的圖, 還滿方便的. 有的旅館也會在客房抽屜內放地圖給客人用...
to 巴黎小貓, Can I ask you something about Paris? When i visited Paris last September, I found most of fire hydrant on the street are open. I mean the water were coming out of the hydrants. so the water were flowing freely on the street. can you tell me why? I tried to find answer, but failed.
So i am not the only one who found that strange. I also guess the reason for it. I was thinking it was for cooling down the city. Last year Paris has such heat wave. even when i was visiting in September, it was still very hot. does the water thing happen every summer?