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政治 / 國民黨坦承地方選舉多數靠買票 價碼5百到2千

國民黨嘉義縣黨部主委在2009年縣市長選舉的時候向AIT的政務官承認買票是必要的手段。(cable 09TAIPEI1412, PRESIDENT MA, OPPOSITION PARTY SEEK POLITICAL; http://wikileaks.org/cable/2009/12/09TAIPEI1412.html )

4. (C) Another important factor in local elections is vote
buying, which is particularly prevalent in rural areas such
as Yunlin County. The KMT Chiayi County Chairman
acknowledged to Poloffs that candidates had to buy votes to
get supporters to the polls. (Note: The going price for a
vote was said to range from roughly $17 to $64 and may be for
a single candidate or a slate of candidates. Handlers
usually distributed the money, but they had difficulty in
confirming whether recipients actually voted as promised. End
note.) Central and local law-enforcement officials have
promised to crack down on the practice, and both major
parties have exchanged accusations of dirty politics. As in
past elections, it is difficult to gauge the scope of the
practice or its affect on the outcome of this election.

維基解密爆地方賄選 翁金珠要曾勇夫「踹共」!

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