以下是兩段法國思想家 Joseph de Mastre 的文章段落, 其中有兩句拉丁文, 請問有沒有懂拉丁文的人可以幫我翻譯成中文?? 謝謝喔^^
1 - Although the military is in itself dangerous to the well-being and the liberties of every nation, because the motto of this profession will always be more or less that of Achilles,
Jura, nego mihi nata, (拉丁文)
nevertheless those nations most jealous of their liberties have never disagreed with the rest of mankind on the preeminence of the military profession.
2 - Vim sentit geminam paretque incerta duobus?[Ovid, Metamorphoses, VIII, 472.] (拉丁文)
The philosopher who reflects on this terrible enigma will render justice to the Stoics, who at one time predicted a fundamental Christian dogma by declaring that only the wise man is free.
1 - Although the military is in itself dangerous to the well-being and the liberties of every nation, because the motto of this profession will always be more or less that of Achilles,
Jura, nego mihi nata, (拉丁文)
nevertheless those nations most jealous of their liberties have never disagreed with the rest of mankind on the preeminence of the military profession.
2 - Vim sentit geminam paretque incerta duobus?[Ovid, Metamorphoses, VIII, 472.] (拉丁文)
The philosopher who reflects on this terrible enigma will render justice to the Stoics, who at one time predicted a fundamental Christian dogma by declaring that only the wise man is free.