評語 repatution
活潑,有時認真 active out going , hard working
負責努力 aspirant 努力 responsible負責
個性節省personhood economiz
愛小動物善良乾淨 be nice to little animal and always be friendly to friends also always keep environment clean
聰明,文靜,乖巧 intelligence gently good student
個性穩重personality fully grown
多才多藝,關心他人all-arounder, take good care to (somebody or his or her )frined
體貼,會傾聽 sweet prevenience, always pay attention in the classroom
熱心公益,謙虛 public-minded ,modesty or humble
文靜,守秩序 gently, orderly or keep rules
體貼,會照顧人 sweet or prevenicence , good at take care to ppl or somebody