my dearest snowy............ when will u came back la?? i miss u so much ne...... if i got enough money, maybe i can go to the hip hop class with u ne........... don't forget me la...........
yo yo !beer gal!你也來囉~~呵呵 well, i'll be back next Tue!which is the 24th of Sep!喔ㄝ~北鼻! 對了,星期三你們要不要去PLUSH呢?/? 不過我這次回去只能待10days bah! but i'll be back in Nov again anyway 我想要年底去那個hip hop class.....hoho!
wu~~ i just checked out the website! i think i got the phone number & address lor.. hey! Beer Gal~好像是3000月票.. u wanna join the class?! 我想我年底會去學吧..哈哈 真期待 還可以順便減肥咧~!hoho
又出了一張new hip hop album lor!im gonna buy it! yeah~!
snowy.....我剛剛去看了,好像還不錯ㄛ,而且離我家很近說!!而且學費比我想像中便宜,所以我應該可以去吧,等你年底回來在討論嚕! but i can't go Plush next wed. cuz 我禮拜四的課已經三個禮拜沒去上了,如果我禮拜三去,禮拜四又不會去上了,你先跟你朋友去玩吧!! by the way........你這次回來正好可以catch up my birthday he......maybe we can go out and have some fun lor........