有人也喜歡Devon Aoki嗎?

For those who love Devon,

try this site:
  • Hi!
    nice to meet you !!!
    I love Devon AOKi,too!!!
    I am the contributor kiki
    in the site....
    it's really a good site ,right?
  • really? you are kiki?
    yeah..a great site!
  • no!
    I did not design the site.........
    the webmaster is a guy who lives in sydeny.
    he is a very very nice guy....
    what contributor do is...offer pictures or information that doesn't in the site....

    and about the character of Devon...
    maybe you can find some clues in the articles of her interview....


  • People said that most models smoke....
    but ,I never saw Devon smoking in the party or,backstage.....
    It doesn't mean that she don't smoke....
    but,I really think she is a girl who knows what she want!

    by the way ,do you know Devon is going to have her own line of Denim...soon...
  • Hi!
    do you still have this magazine(newagency)...
    I really want to see this picture....
    can you can sent me.......
    after all,that's what contributor should do....

    and you said you meet her only three days ago....
    you will like her more and more.......
    believe me ^__^.......

  • sorry,
    here's my e-mail

    It' doesn't matter is she looks bad or none make-up....
    the point is she is Devon Aoki...
    and ....that's enough....
    (ha!ha!ha! ^__^|||)

    and,I check the mag"newagency" on the net
    it's like a travel mag
    are we talking the same one....

  • 捷運忠孝復興站可以看到她幫Lancome拍的春妝廣告

  • 她的最新廣告有螢幕保護程式可以下載哦
  • 嗯...我記得她剛出道的時候有幫ozoc做代言,那時候的感覺就已經很另類了,我好友差一點可以做她跟kate moss的同門師妹,可惜阿...
  • 去那家化妝品公司的台灣官方網站:)