一件會令你覺得光榮的事 請務必進來

我女兒學校出了一項英文作業 就是找出世界各國的美食代表 並要求寫出食物的由來或特色 但要用英文寫出來 若不能寫 從網路上抓 也行 不過 我英文不識半字 就算我找到了英文網站 不但看不懂 我也不知該抓哪一段 眼見下週五交件在即 所以墾請各方網友幫忙 因為 她才小學5年級 對她而言 是有些困難
(即使 老師只規定列出10個國家美食) 大家 幫幫忙吧!! 謝謝~
  • Bagel!!! Yummy yummy! 對不起,我不知道Bagel算不算是一道菜,但是Bagel是以色列人的主食之一

    "Israeli Bagels"
    2 packages dry granulated yeast or 2 cakes compressed yeast
    2 tablespoons spoon sugar
    2 1/2 cups lukwarm water
    8 cups of flour, sifted
    2 teaspoons salt

    1 egg yolk, beaten with 1 teaspoon of water
    coarse salt. Dissolve yeast and sugar in water. Combine with remaining ingredients. Beat well. Knead until smooth and soft. Let rest for 10 minutes, but do not let rise. Shape into bagels by pinching off pieces of dough. Roll each piece into a rope 1/2- inch thick and 6 inches long. Attach ends. Place on a greased cookie sheet, bruch with yolk-water mixture, and sprinkle with coarse salt. Bake in a preheated 425 degrees Fahrenheit oven for about 20 minutes until golden brown.

    Variation: Dough can be rolled into pencil-thin strips, shaped into pretzel or different letters of the alphabet and baked at 425 degrees F for 15 minutes.
  • 這是浪漫的一道匈牙利湯.. 含意如下文中的第一段 ^_^

    KORHELY SOUP / Hungarian Soup

    This soup is especially recommended as a pick-me up after a party a night before as is implied by its Hungarian name.

    300 g (11 oz) sour cabbage
    1 tbsp cooking oil
    150 ml (1/2 pt) sour cream
    3 tbsp flour
    300 g (11 oz) smoked sausage
    1 small onion
    1 tsp paprika
    salt, ground black pepper

    Prepare brown roux from the flour and the oil and with the grated onion. Sprinkle with paprika and dilute with 1 liter 1 1/3 pt water. If you have sour cabbage liquid used it. It is more better then water. Bring to boil and add the sour cabbage the sausage cut into rings, salt and pepper and simmer about 10 -15 minutes. Serve piping hot accompanied by sour cream.
  • 1) Mexico 2)Greek 3)Thailand 4)Italy 5)Taiwan
    6) Germany 7)Ethnic Indian 8)Japan 9)Israel 10) Hungary
    一共10個.. 醬子應該可以吧..

    希望對你們多少有點幫助.. ^_^
  • 芬達,吐吐,雪花草,

    謝謝你們的鼓勵.. 這其實不算什麼啦.. 只是我剛好可以幫上一點小忙而已

    其實,常常上來看到各位的留言,我也獲益許多..所以也應該跟大家說聲謝謝. ^_^
  • 這位媽媽

    我突然發現.. 我好像弄錯方向了耶.. >_<
    你說的是由來或特色,結果我只提供兩個由來,其他的都是菜單.. 這樣,有沒有關係啊???

    真是不好意思... :(

  • 對不起.. 上面說的菜單,應該是食譜才對

    另外,如果不行,得重新來過的話,我想,我可不可以直接email給你,這樣比較不會佔用太多的版面.. 你覺得呢?
  • To maggybear
  • 紫紅格子,

    今天你有上網嗎? 我等您的回覆喔..
  • 這位媽媽..
    因為等不到你來..所以我私下決定先貼上來各國食物的特色或由來了.. 請你自己斟酌看看哪些是可以用的,哪些是不能用的.. 謝謝.

    不過,我想只要對它有興趣,你可以先試著看看網路上的英文短文,從短文中學單字/片語或成語,甚至可以學到厘語.. 也可以學到文法.


    希望對你有幫助.. ^_^
  • Feature of Greek Food

    Most common Greek foods include lamb, seafood, olives and cheese. Olive oil is frequently used. Greek specialties are enhanced with garlic, onions and spices. Salads are parts of Greek meals. Greeks prepare shish kebab with cubes of pork or lamb, mushrooms and other vegetables. This dish is called Souvlaki. Some vegetables like eggplant, zucchini, tomatoes are Greek favorites. Bean soup is often served in winter. On special occasions such as Easter, tsoureki ( a sweet bread) is served with the main course. Popular food include pastitio (casserole made with ground beef and macaroni with bechamel sauce), mousaka (casserole of eggplant, ground beef, potatoes, with cheese, all in layers), feta cheese and baklava (pastry made with filo dough and filled with hone and nuts).
  • Feature of Thail Food

    Originally, Thai cooking reflected the characteristics of a waterborn lifestyle. Aquatic animals, plants and herbs were major ingredients. Large chunks of meat were eschewed. Subsequent influences introduced the use of sizeable chunks to Thai cooking. With their Buddhist background, Thais shunned the use of large animals in big chunks.

    Big cuts of meat were shredded and laced with herbs and spices. Traditional Thai cooking methods were stewing and baking, or grilling. Chinese influences saw the introduction of frying, stir-frying and deep-flying.Culinary influences from the 17 th century onwards included Portuguese, Dutch,French and Japanese. Chillies were introduced to Thai cooking during the late 1600s by Portuguese missionaries who had acuquired a taste for them while serving in South America. Thais were very adapt at 'Siameseising' foreign cooking meathods, and substituting ingredients. The ghee used in Indian cooking was replaced by coconut oil, and coconut milk substituted for other dairy products. Overporering pure spices were toned down and enhanced by fresh herbs such as lemon grass and galanga.Eventually, fewer and less spices were used in Thai curried, while the use of fresh herbs increased.
  • The history of Pizza - Italy (ps - Pizza才是義大利的美食代表... sorry for the mistake!!)

    By far pizza has become America's favorite food over the past 50 years. Million of pizza pies are eaten daily, but how often do the people eating the food stop to consider the history. The true origins of this fine cuisine are as colorful as any good pizza pie heaping with toppings.

    The common belief is that Italians invented the pizza, however the origins go back to the ancient times. Babylonians, Israelites, Egyptians and other ancient Middle Eastern cultures were eating flat, un-leaven bread that had been cooked in mud ovens. The bread was much like a pita, which is still common in Greece and the Middle East today. Further it is known that ancient Mediterranean people such as the Greeks, Romans and Egyptians were eating the bread, topped seasoned with olive oil and native spices.
  • The lower class of the Naples, Italy is believed to have created pizza in a more familiar fashion. In the late 1800s a Italian baker named Raffaele Esposito, was believed to have created a dish for visiting royalty. According to the story, the Italian monarch King Umberto and his consort, Queen Margherita was touring the area. In order to impress them and to show his patriotic fervor Raffaele chose to top flat bread with food that would best represent the colors of Italy: red tomato, white mozzarella cheese and green basil. The king and queen were so impressed that word quickly reached the masses. The end results were that the dish was well received to the extent that others began to copy it.

    By the beginning of the 1900's pizza made it's way to the inner cities United States, thanks to Italian immigrants, most notably New York and Chicago, due to those cities having large Italian populations. Small cafes began offering the Italian favorite. American soldiers further prompted the dish to become very popular at the end of World War II, having been exposed to it while serving on the Italian front.
  • Today pizza has become just as American as baseball and apple pie. Only because of its most recent origins is it considered an Italian dish. Huge U.S. based multi-billion dollar corporations should be thankful for the development along with poor college students who can appreciate the fine dining experience pizza has given them.

    Read more about the History of some of the Ingredients.

    Mozzarella Cheese
    Originally was made for water buffalo milk.
  • Feature of Hot and Sour Soup / Taiwan

    Spicy and sour with many vegetables and meat such as carrot, bamboo shoot, tree mushroom, chicken or pork.. etc. Of course, both vinegar and pepper are the necessaries.
  • 我是這位可憐的媽媽 感謝maggybear及個為水水的鼎力相助 !_! 感動哦!!