

  • 在你的PAYPAL account裡頭。
  • 請問BnBn:要怎麼看呢?因為我想要用帳戶裡的錢付款但是為什麼只能選取信用卡??
  • 推.
  • go to Withdraw and follow the steps then you can have your money back either to your bank account or credit card account.
    Suppose going back to your bank account..
  • 到paypal網站,登入妳的帳號應該可找到才對~
  • 請問beautyhollywood:我不太懂你的意思說..我是台灣的信用卡,而且在美國也沒有帳戶…
  • to740407:我登入之後最後一項交易是:
    Type To/From Name/Email Amount ($)
    Transfer To Credit Card -361.00
  • Don't cry.. As long as you see "refund" transaction showing on your accont, it shoudl be fine. I guess the seller refund $ into your credit card no matter US or TW cards...
    Since it shows transfer to credit card, it should credit back already..
    If you don't can show me the link of your paypal account, then I can tell...
    Wish this will help...
    email me if you need any other help about Paypal.

  • 照妳這樣寫應該意思是退361到妳的信用卡,這種應該都是即時的,打電話去妳的信用卡公司去問是否有退這筆金額.
  • 謝謝beautyhollywood和740407,我剛打去問銀行他說對方還未請款,但我的帳單上有這筆金額,如果45天之後他都未來請款,我就不必付這筆款項,總之他說只是會影響到我的信用卡可用額度但暫時不用支付,我也聽的慕薩薩,謝謝你們提供的意見^_^