美國郵資 1/8 起漲價囉 ~~~
This is just a general reminder list of postal increases that go into effect as of Sunday Jan 8th that folks who use conventional US mail to be aware of: --First-class letters, each additional ounce, up 1 cent to 24 cents. --Post card, up 1 cent to 24 cents. --Letter to Canada or Mexico, 1 ounce, up 3 cents to 63 cents. --Letter to other foreign countries, 1 ounce, up 4 cents to 84 cents. --Priority Mail, 1 pound, up 20 cents to $4.05. --Express Mail, 8 ounces, up 75 cents to $14.40. --Certified mail, up 10 cents to $2.40. --Money orders up 5 cents to 95 cents. --Delivery confirmation, up 5 cents to 60 cents. --Weekly news magazine, 5.8 ounces, presorted, up 1 cent to 18.5 cents. --Household magazine, 13.8 ounces, presorted, up 1.5 cents to 28.9 cents. --Small nonprofit publication, presorted, up 1.4 cents to 28.3 cents.